Planting and growing
Sauerkraut for the winter is one of the favorite winter preparations for gardeners. It is tasty and juicy, easy to prepare and has a long shelf life. They like to ferment cabbage with carrots and horseradish - it turns out ...
There are many myths around rice and potatoes regarding their dietary properties. Nutritionists calculate the calories in rice and potatoes to better organize or change the diet. Let's figure out whether it's worth giving up ...
The hydroponic growing method allows you to harvest a good harvest of vegetables in the shortest possible time in a limited area. All that is required is quality seed and easy installation. What is Hydroponics Hydroponics ...
Radishes are one of the few vegetables that cannot be cooked. Keeping it fresh for a long time is not easy, and sometimes you really want to. How to keep radishes for the winter at home? Thanks ...
To please loved ones with a delicious and inexpensive dessert, the hostesses prepare both familiar and sometimes very unusual dishes. For example, carrot jam. This healthy dessert is served with tea, sandwiches are made with it ...
During heat treatment, table potatoes Santana are not boiled and remain dense, therefore they are used for making chips and fries. We have collected detailed information about Santana potatoes: a description of the culture with a photo of tubers, features ...
Barley is a nutritious grain that is beneficial to health and wellness. The oldest finds of the culture date back to the early Neolithic period. In the modern world, cereals are grown for the production of pearl barley and barley groats, as raw materials ...
The onion variety Ellan conquered gardeners with its very early ripening period and semi-sharp taste. It is planted not only in spring, but also before winter for a quick harvest. The culture is resistant to light frost, ...
The high-yielding Vakula barley occupies a large number of farmland in Russia and Ukraine. Its popularity is due to its high productive tillering in comparison with other varieties of spring barley. This allows you to significantly save on sowing ...