Planting and growing

Treatment of greenhouse cucumbers for diseases: photo and description

Aspiring gardeners think that greenhouse plants don't need protection from diseases and pests. However, this is not so - cucumbers in the greenhouse get sick as often as in the open field. ...

Competent planting of potatoes for the winter: step-by-step instructions for novice gardeners

Traditionally, potatoes are planted in the spring. But those who forget unharvested vegetables in the furrows observe good shoots in the spring. Planting potatoes before winter allows you to get an earlier and plentiful harvest. For this ...

What is the calorie content of boiled buckwheat and is it possible for losing weight

Nutritionists praise buckwheat and advise to include it in the diet. If you decide to lead a healthy lifestyle and want to start with proper nutrition, this article will help you figure out how many calories are in ...

How is potato allergy manifested in children and adults

Potatoes can rightfully be called one of the most popular products not only in Russia, but all over the world. For its ubiquity, it even received the name "second bread". This vegetable ...

Hybrid onion

Hercules is one of the popular onion hybrids that is suitable for growing both in private plots and for industrial purposes. The culture ripens quickly, is resistant to many diseases, high-yielding and unpretentious ...

What is useful for feeding cucumbers with yeast and how to apply it correctly

For a good yield, cucumbers require a variety of feeding, including yeast. The popular food product is rich in substances useful for vegetable crops. Bushes are watered with this solution both in the greenhouse and ...

Why do pepper ovaries fall and what to do to save the beds

Growing peppers on the site is a task that requires patience and attention. One of the frequent problems that gardeners face is the falling off of the ovaries after flowering. This happens for a number of reasons - from non-compliance ...

High-yielding onion hybrid for long-term storage

The Dutch Corrado onion hybrid is resistant to many diseases and adverse climatic conditions. Due to its high yield, long-term storage, attractive presentation of vegetables and semi-sharp taste, the crop is suitable for growing in ...

Manure as fertilizer for potatoes: when is it better to apply, in autumn or spring

Manure is one of the most popular and valuable fertilizers, but not many people know how to use it correctly. In order for nutrients to benefit potato plantings, it is important to use specially prepared organic matter and observe the measure ...

The benefits and harms of melon for the body

From helminths and anemia, stress and hormonal surges, for immunity and hair beauty - this is a short list of the beneficial properties of ordinary melon. In the article we will talk about the benefits and harms ...

