Planting and growing
It sometimes happens that when you buy a melon, you find pink flesh at home. Can you eat it and what caused the change in natural color? Does pink affect the taste and does it indicate ...
Residents of city apartments, who were not lucky enough to acquire their own land plot, have to buy fresh vegetables and fruits. However, it is quite possible to grow greens even in your apartment. Anything for this ...
In the spring, all last year's potatoes sprout - this is a normal process that occurs from March, even if the tubers are stored in a properly equipped cellar. If you keep crops on the balcony or in ...
It happens that a lot of time and effort is spent on pickling cucumbers, and after a few weeks or months you find that they have deteriorated. The brine has become cloudy and mold has appeared on its surface. How to tell ...
Onions are a valuable food product that can provide the human body with a variety of vitamins, macro- and microelements. It is recommended to introduce not only fresh, but baked onions into the daily menu. It is better absorbed, has ...
Country cultures are demanding in care and susceptible to disease. Fungi, bacteria, pests attack day after day. It is not surprising that sometimes they lose heart in the fight against all kinds of diseases. Trying to defend the harvest, summer residents ...
Many Russian breeders are developing new varieties of colored flesh potatoes. The multi-colored color of the flesh and skin of the potato is the result of the influence of natural pigment. The main advantage of colored potatoes is that they belong to dietary products. ...
In their own home and even sometimes in the city, potatoes are stored in a cellar - a separate dry room with constant temperature and humidity, where you can create better conditions. However, there are nuances ...
As each housewife has her own recipe for cooking a signature dish, so each agronomist has her own secrets of growing plants. Unfortunately, a small harvest of winter wheat is a common problem that ...