Planting and growing
Stuttgarter Riesen is a proven onion variety that has delighted amateur summer residents and professional farmers for about 25 years. It ripens quickly, is easy to care for, high-yielding and versatile in use. Description of the variety Stuttgarter Riesen ...
Alpha is one of the most popular early ripening onions. Bred in England, it quickly attracted the attention of gardeners in many countries due to its high yield and resistance to diseases. Vegetables ripen quickly ...
Planting stalked celery for seedlings is the most reliable way to get large, juicy and tasty stems. The long growing season dictates its own rules: in the climatic conditions of Russia, it is difficult to grow a rich harvest without preliminary ...
Planting cucumbers in seedlings in spring allows you to bring the collection of the first fruits closer. And additional planting of cucumbers with seedlings in open ground in July will provide stocks of vegetables for pickles in autumn. Thus, growing healthy ...
Winter wheat is the most common grain grown in our country. It occupies almost 88% of the planting area of plants of the Zlakov family. Soft winter wheat Thunder has long been known to farmers for its varietal ...
Depending on the application, the content of starch, proteins, vitamins and other useful substances, potatoes are divided into table, universal, fodder and technical. Today we'll talk about the stern. What it is? These are the potatoes that ...
The plant got its name "buckwheat" because it was brought to Russia from Greece. And his grain was called "Greek grain." The valuable bread and melliferous culture has gained popularity thanks to its tasty and nutritious cereals. ...
Growing onions from seeds traditionally consists of several stages. In the first year, seeds are sown, the so-called chernushka, to obtain onion sets, from which full-fledged large bulbs already grow in the second year. ...
It happens like this: a gardener sowed seeds according to all the rules, diligently looked after the beds, but the carrots do not grow. What is the reason and what measures should be taken to save the harvest in which labor is invested ...