Planting and growing
Bitter pepper is universal in use - it is used fresh, dried and frozen. Bitter pods make tasty and healthy preparations for the winter. Such dishes are combined with meat, fish and others ...
Today, the word "gluten" is increasingly used in a negative context. Nutritionists are recommending a gluten-free diet, and the number of products labeled "gluten-free" on store shelves is skyrocketing. However, it occurs in a third ...
The yellowed onion feathers at the end of August indicate that it is time to harvest. A cause for concern and emergency measures is yellow onion feathers in the spring or summer. Save ...
Many gardeners want to show off the originality of their site in front of their neighbors. And how to do this when everyone grows the same thing? Change the appearance of the site by planting the plants differently. Method of growing cucumbers ...
Growing a juicy eggplant in a greenhouse is not an easy task. The vegetable is demanding and sensitive to environmental conditions: temperature, humidity, soil. Even the abundant flowering of a plant does not yet guarantee the presence of fruit. From the article you ...
Onions are one of the most popular vegetable crops. He is famous among many nations. Each of us knows well that onions can be eaten raw, stewed, fried, canned. And about ...
Sweet peppers are planted by gardeners throughout the country. To collect a rich harvest from the site, preventive measures are taken against diseases. If the plant is already sick, action is required immediately. The reasons for infection are different: climate, ...
Sprouted rye, due to its composition, has a positive effect on the entire body: it improves the functioning of the digestive, cardiovascular, nervous systems, strengthens the immune system. Such grain does not undergo heat treatment, in which useful substances are lost. IN ...
Buckwheat is an inexpensive and healthy grain, a frequent guest in the diet of the average Russian. We get used to eating buckwheat from childhood. However, although Western countries rank it as a useful product, ...