Planting and growing

How to properly freeze grapes for the winter in the freezer and is it possible to do it

Grapes are a source of vitamins, minerals, organic acids, polyphenols, important for maintaining health and ensuring the well-coordinated functioning of organs and systems. The ripening period of grapes in nature is from July to October. In it ...

What is the use of drinking potato juice on an empty stomach and doctors' reviews about the possible harm

The taste and nutritional value of potatoes are not its only advantages. The widespread use in cooking has overshadowed the medicinal properties of the nightshade culture. For example, potato starch is used as a component of some ointments and powders, ...

Step-by-step instructions for beginner gardeners: how to properly thin out carrots and what is it for

Carrots are an unpretentious crop that is not too demanding on the composition of the soil and climatic conditions. However, it is important to thin out seedlings on time, and this is a painstaking and tedious task. Consider when and how to thin out correctly ...

The classic recipe for watermelons soaked in a barrel at home and various options for additives

Watermelons are not only eaten fresh, but also salted in a wooden barrel. Such fruits retain their beneficial properties and taste for a long time. Various ingredients are added to soaked watermelons - apples, peppers, cabbage, ...

Step-by-step guide to properly preparing grapes for winter

Grapes are equally tasty both fresh and canned; its berries and leaves are added to various dishes. Grape juices, jams and wines add spice to any table. Grapes ...

How to cook sauerkraut with lingonberries

Sauerkraut is one of the most popular types of preparations for the winter. To improve its taste, many housewives add lingonberries to the composition. The result is a dish with a high content of vitamins that play ...

Onions for the winter in jars: how to salt properly

An exquisite and aromatic addition to any dish will be salted onions prepared for the winter in ordinary jars. It is served with hot borscht or soup, meat, fish and salads. The article will tell ...

How to deliciously prepare Tsitsak pepper for the winter: the best recipes and recommendations of experienced housewives

Any hostess can surprise family and guests with unusual and spicy pickles. For example, you can make a delicious salting of hot tsitsak pepper, which is very popular in Georgia and Armenia. Among the standard salty ...

How to store potatoes in winter in a private house without a cellar

For winter storage, vegetables are laid in the cellar. This is an ideal place to ensure the safety of the harvest. But what if he is not there? In the article you will find information on how to preserve potatoes without ...

How and how to feed raspberries in the fall

In order to enjoy the generous harvest of garden raspberries from year to year, it is important to properly care for and fertilize them three times per season. In spring and summer, the berry is processed to increase yields and ...

