Planting and growing
In the northern regions of our country, heat-loving crops are grown only in a greenhouse. Closed structures provide plants with an optimal temperature and protect them from adverse environmental conditions. This method has and ...
Summer residents know how difficult it is to grow tomatoes on their plots. These plants are susceptible to various diseases, react to the slightest changes in the weather. There are many methods of processing tomatoes to increase yields and strengthen immunity. ...
When many varieties of cucumbers are grown in regions with unfavorable climates, the fruits often do not have time to ripen and bring a rich harvest. Recently, in the northern regions of Russia, gardeners have become especially popular ...
Skillful housewives do not know what methods of winter harvesting. Salt tomatoes directly in a plastic or enamel bucket? Easy! If you have any doubts, our article will completely dispel them. We detail ...
Cucumber is an early ripening, shade-tolerant, fruitful culture. Among all their variety, the Nezhinsky variety stands out, which has gained popularity due to its salting qualities and resistance to diseases. A good harvest is obtained by gardeners without much skill and ...
The cucumber hybrid Libelle is known mainly in the European part of Russia. This is one of the most productive crops grown in our country. Moreover, its cultivation does not present any particular difficulties - the main thing is to know ...
The article contains important and necessary information about the Phoenix cucumber variety. You will learn how to grow them, how to keep them from diseases and pests, and how to use the crop. We also offer ...
Cucumber hybrid Maryina Roshcha F1 has the qualities that gardeners look for in plants for planting on plots. Due to its pleasant taste and a large number of fruits on the bush, it is especially popular on ...
Melon is a unique product with incredible aroma and juicy pulp. The multi-seeded pumpkin comes in a variety of shapes and weighs from 200 g to 20 kg. This melon culture has long been known not ...