Planting and growing

Benefits of oats for the stomach

The digestive system is a collection of glands and organs that provide the nutrients that the body needs to function properly. Stress, low-quality products, unfavorable ecology, medicines and other factors provoke the occurrence or exacerbation ...

Why the Ikar watermelon variety is good and why it is worth growing

Watermelons are grown in the south and in the middle lane. This culture is thermophilic, it manifests itself well on loose and fertile soils. It's hard to imagine summer without a watermelon. The sweet and juicy fruit is taken for picnics ...

Early ripe hybrid of cucumbers

Connie f1 cucumber appeared on the market in the late 90s of the twentieth century, and since then has remained one of the most popular hybrids of domestic selection. Culture is not inferior to the Dutch "brothers" no ...

Is it true that pumpkin weakens: how to use a colon cleanser and what will be the effect?

It seems that everyone around is switching to proper nutrition, cleansing the intestines, liver, after which they become healthy and beautiful. Many plant foods do remove waste products, heavy metals and free radicals. But choose ...

What are the diseases of eggplant in the greenhouse and how to deal with them

Eggplants are easy-to-care crops. However, if agrotechnical rules are not followed and the climate changes abruptly, vegetables can get sick. To prevent this, gardeners take preventive measures and process plants ...

Important steps for a good harvest of Alligator dill: from seed preparation to disease prevention

Dill is one of the most popular types of greens. There is hardly a summer resident who has never grown it. Housewives use almost all parts of this plant for cooking. Its leaves ...

How black pepper grows, its benefits and harms, areas of application

In the Middle Ages, when it was already widespread in Europe, it served as a spice, and a medicine, and an exchange coin, and a means of investment, and just a gift among the wealthy ...

Healthy snacks at home: how to dry pumpkin in an electric dryer correctly and with what you can eat it

Pumpkin is rich in vitamins, fiber, trace elements and is also low in calories. The juicy orange pulp is used to make many delicious and nutritious dishes. It is boiled, fried, baked and stuffed. However, not everyone knows that ...

What are the health benefits and harms of eggplant

In the East, eggplants are called "vegetables of longevity." They have a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels, reduce the likelihood of heart failure, atherosclerosis, hypertension. These are far from the only useful properties of the vegetable. Eggplant improves ...

Hybrid early ripe hybrid of cucumbers

Cucumbers are a popular vegetable crop grown all over the world. Vegetables are successfully grown in hotbeds and greenhouses, in the beds and even on the balcony. Breeders develop new varieties every year, ...

