Planting and growing
Many gardeners prefer to harvest carrot seeds on their own, rather than buying material in stores. The reasons are different: the desire to get an environmentally friendly crop, to grow a certain variety, or distrust of producers. Purchased seed ...
Owners of small tobacco plantations on their site often wonder how to flavor tobacco at home, because over time, the natural taste and smell of this plant becomes boring. Using tobacco flavoring ...
In order for the eggplant harvest to be rich, not only competent care is important, but also the correct collection, because these vegetables are removed more than once. When is it better to pick eggplants, by what signs to determine ripeness, how ...
Germination of planting material is one of the mandatory procedures for cultivating potatoes. The event allows you to reject low-quality seeds, calibrate by size and weight, accelerate the formation of stolons and tubers, prevent the development of viral and ...
Almost not a single dish of Russian cuisine can do without potatoes, so growing it is a priority for many summer residents. However, not everyone is happy with the harvest. In addition to the nuances of agricultural technology, on ...
There are dishes that cannot be imagined without the addition of crispy pickles. So, hot salt the crispy cucumbers in jars for the winter. In order not to spoil the taste and not get in the winter ...
Carrots planted before winter give a harvest two weeks earlier than spring carrots. For these purposes, the variety Moskovskaya Zimnyaya A 515 has proven itself well. It was bred specifically for growing in the northern ...
Onions are a popular agricultural crop in Russia. In one form or another, the vegetable is present in the recipes of almost all first and second courses. Surprisingly, onions contain more natural sugars, ...
It's hard to imagine a daily diet without onions. Onions, greens and leeks are consumed by themselves and are used as ingredients in various dishes. The vegetable contains essential oils and vitamins used for ...