Planting and growing
Potato Bogatyr is a high-yielding variety with an excellent taste of tubers, which does not require special agrotechnical efforts when growing. Each bush yields 20 to 40 even medium to large tubers at ...
Nematoda is a dangerous pest that inhibits the development of plants and leads to their death. This tiny worm causes great damage to both private gardens and large farms. Onion nematode causes rotting of onion heads, ...
Buckwheat is one of the healthiest and most commonly used cereals. It contains many minerals and vitamins, while being easily absorbed and suitable for nutrition at any age. To have a beneficial effect ...
Planting onions before winter allows you to harvest an early harvest. And the body needs vitamins after a long winter. In the article, we will reveal the nuances of autumn planting of onions, and also tell you after what ...
Pickling is the oldest way to preserve vegetables. The main preservative in this process is lactic acid, which is formed during fermentation. The compound prevents the spread of pathogenic microflora, gives vegetables a specific smell and ...
People love and appreciate onions for their beneficial properties and taste for the body. This is one of the most common garden crops. Among the many varieties cultivated in the beds, it stands out ...
Tushon is a mid-season carrot variety with an excellent presentation, juicy and sweet taste of root crops, and a high content of nutrients in them. The high yield and strong immunity of the crop made it popular as ...
From the time of Peter I, who brought a sack of potatoes to Russia from Holland for cultivation, to our time, this vegetable has gone through a kind of "evolution". At first, they did not take it, considering it poisonous and ...
Water extracts from rice have a number of beneficial properties and are used as folk remedies for digestive disorders. Unlike medicines, they do not cause side effects, are easy to prepare ...