Planting and growing
Many gardeners consider rye to be one of the best green manures. This crop is an excellent fertilizer that can be used as an organic food for other plants. Rye is undemanding to soil, resistant to cold and ...
There are about 600 varieties of onions in the world. Among them there are savory and sweet varieties grown for turnip and green feathers. The latter include the spring onion, which gives aromatic, semi-sharp greens. This ...
Onions and honey are products with medicinal properties, they contain phytoncides, vitamin C, organic acids and many other substances important and useful for human health. The article will tell you, in ...
Dill is popular in almost all cuisines of the world. In addition to their taste, greens have many beneficial properties that are widely used in folk medicine. Especially for men's health. In this article ...
An important component in the treatment of diabetes mellitus is diet. Only a balanced and rational diet, restriction of easily digestible carbohydrates and fats will allow avoiding acute and chronic hyperglycemia and other possible complications, restoring the disturbed ...
Thanks to tying, air exchange increases, the growth and productivity of cucumbers increases. We will tell you in detail about the types of structures and give step-by-step instructions for their manufacture. Why tie cucumbers The system of tying cucumbers is important to get ...
Buckwheat porridge, loved by many since childhood, is not only tasty, but also a healthy dish. Buckwheat is an important product in the diet of adherents of proper nutrition. Buckwheat is rich in fiber, phospholipids and amino acids, ...
For people with diabetes, choosing the right food is important. Among the common questions that diabetics ask doctors is this - is it possible to eat onions with diabetes? This is a common ...
Celery root contains a large amount of vitamins, micro- and macroelements useful for humans. The root vegetable is used in cooking, traditional medicine, for weight loss. About all its properties, benefits for the body and taste ...