Planting and growing
Saving carrots is as difficult as growing them. Improper storage, especially in an apartment, can quickly ruin the crop. How to properly store carrots at home in an apartment so that it does not lose ...
Arterial hypertension is one of the ten most common diseases. According to statistics, every fourth person on Earth suffers from high blood pressure. For such people, the question of how to quickly lower blood pressure at home is relevant, ...
Green tomatoes are the unripe fruits of tomatoes. Many do not risk using them and just throw them away. Yes, they cannot be consumed fresh, but conservation is just what ...
Carrots are traditionally kept in a cool place: in the cellar, basement, on the balcony. Subject to a number of conditions, the vegetable can last until spring. An alternative to storing in a cool place is the freezer. We will tell you how to freeze ...
The beneficial properties of carrots have been scientifically proven - the vegetable contains dozens of vitamins and minerals important for health. Root crops are grown on plots, bought in stores and markets, housewives use them to cook ...
Carrots are one of the main products of our menu, containing a large amount of carotene, mineral salts, essential oils, vitamins and minerals. It is simply impossible to replace it with something else. The culture is grown everywhere, adhering to the standard ...
Freezing is one of the best ways to preserve fresh vegetables, fruits and berries. This method guarantees a beautiful appearance of the product, preservation of odor and color. The fact that watermelon can also be frozen, ...
Parsley is a valuable product that is used as an affordable food seasoning, medicine, nutritional ingredient for cosmetics and even for weight loss. Today we'll talk about the beneficial properties of parsley for women, the medicinal properties of the plant ...
For hundreds of years, onions have remained the most popular folk remedy for colds and viral diseases. It is eaten and used as compresses, inhalations, ointments and drinks are created on its basis. ...