Planting and growing
There are many varieties of Chinese cucumbers. They are similar to ordinary cucumbers and belong to the pumpkin genus, but they still differ in taste and size of the fruit. Chinese cucumbers have their own ...
For those who want to lose weight or just "dry out", but there is no time to diet, it is expensive or the doctor does not allow, we offer a simple and easy option - buckwheat breakfasts. If there's ...
Nigella is not an onion variety, as some novice gardeners think. This is the name of the black seeds of ordinary onions, from which sets are grown. If you have not yet had to grow your own sets ...
Many of those who follow a healthy diet diligently avoid "fast" carbohydrates and prefer oatmeal or buckwheat porridge as a side dish or hearty breakfast. But comparing these cereals with less ...
Pickling cabbage is one of the simplest and most common ways of processing vegetables for long-term (more than six months) storage. Cabbage is fermented from the second half of September to mid-November, during this period in large quantities ...
Eggplant caviar is one of the most delicious snacks served immediately after cooking or kept canned throughout the winter. The product is prepared quickly and easily, it is eaten instantly. Fit with ...
Leafy celery resembles parsley in appearance, but has a richer aroma, in which the nutty notes are guessed. Such greens are considered a universal spice that can change the taste of meat, fish, ...
The children's body is easily susceptible to viruses and colds, especially in the autumn-winter period. The child's illness develops rapidly: in 2-3 days, a mild cold can develop into a cough. Despite the fact that in ...
Potatoes are among the most popular foods in the world. It is used both as an independent dish and as an additional ingredient. Some varieties become crumbly when boiled, but this ...