What distance to do between rows when planting potatoes
The key to success in obtaining a high yield lies in knowing the characteristics of agricultural technology. The correct spacing between beds and rows when planting potatoes ensures a bountiful harvest. In this article, we will tell you at what distance to plant potatoes, and suggest the most effective schemes.
The content of the article
Features of planting potatoes
A place for planting is chosen illuminated by the sun, without shade from trees... Potatoes prefer loose soil, they cannot tolerate excess moisture and stagnant water. In the presence of such a problem, drainage grooves are built, soil is added to raise and level the site.
When planting, take into account soil temperature... Planting work begins when the ground warms up to + 10 ° C, in late April - early May, depending on the climatic characteristics of the region.
Events are held before landing for soil preparation:
- In the autumn, after harvesting (August - October, depending on the region), they dig up, loosen, apply fertilizers. It is better to use potassium-phosphorus mixtures, which will stay in the soil for a long time.
- In the spring they dig up again, feed them with complex mineral fertilizers with nitrogen in the composition.
What you need to work
Before the beginning planting culture prepare tools and materials:
- bayonet shovels;
- pitchfork;
- buckets;
- cotton gloves;
- pegs for differentiating varieties;
- fertilizers for applying directly to the hole;
- water (in case of insufficient soil moisture).
Landing schemes and technology
Knowledge of planting patterns and the correct technology determines the quality and harvest amount... Each technology has nuances that need to be considered.
Why determine the distance between rows
The row spacing of potatoes affects the volume and quality of the grown tubers, on the rationality of using the usable area of the garden plot. Ease of access to each bush when leaving depends on the distance chosen.
With insufficient distance between the rows, the bushes do not receive nutrients, grow weak, yield small crops.
The abundance of free space from row to row leads to the redirection of plant forces: all the power will be directed to the growth of the tops, there are few large tubers.
At what distance to plant tubers
Depending on the variety, they determine at what distance to plant potatoes. from each other:
- early varieties - 25-30 cm;
- late - 30-35 cm.
The specified parameters are suitable for standard potatoes... With small seed, the distance between the tubers is reduced to 18-20 cm. Large tubers are planted at a distance of 45 cm from each other.
How deep
It is considered correct hole depth within 7-10 cm... These parameters allow the tubers to warm up faster and sprout.
Important! For late planting, the depth of the holes is increased to 13 cm.
Choosing the optimal depth, they are guided by the quality of the earth... If the substrate is loose, plant it deeper. Dense and moist soil is favorable for a slight deepening of tubers.
Sowing potatoes using a walk-behind tractor provides a hole depth within 12 cm.
How to make a furrow
Loose soil saturated with oxygen is suitable for the formation of furrows.... To do this, the soil is dug with a shovel or plow to a depth of 25 cm. Then the plantings will have free access to air.
When preparing furrows, preference is given to the direction from north to southas this allows for proper lighting of the bushes at sunrise, noon and sunset.
Row spacing
For a high yield, the choice is made in favor of row spacings 90 cm wide... The generally accepted distance among gardeners is 70 cm.
When forming beds in small areas apply a distance between them of 19-26 cm (the width of one shovel), and the seed is sown in two rows.
The optimal distance between two rows of potatoes varies depending on the variety used:
- 60-75 cm - for early maturing varieties;
- 70-90 cm - for late ripening.
Common landing in rows carried out according to the scheme 30 × 80 cm.
There are many ways to plant a crop.... We offer the most popular options that have proven themselves well.
On the crest
Planting combs tubers are prepared according to the instructions:
- The rows are placed from north to south, marking them with a stretched rope from each other at a distance of 70-75 cm.
- 30-35 cm recede from the rope and a groove is made, subsequently acting as a path.
- Allocate the ridges with a shovel or glanders, without digging the earth from the paths. The ridges are formed by the topsoil, which has warmed up at the time of planting.
- The comb is created in the form of a trapezoid, with the narrow side (up to 15 cm in size) up. The embankment is 20-31 cm high.
- The holes are made by hand, moving part of the soil.
- After laying the tuber, cover the hole with loose soil.
Basic rules for planting in ridges:
- light sprouts in seed potatoes - no more than 5 mm;
- planting depth - 4-8 cm;
- the distance between tubers is 30-35 cm.
Under the shovel
There are two ways to plant seed under a shovel.:
- staggered;
- in line.
Linear fit assumes row spacing 60 cm (70 cm for late-ripening varieties), between holes - 30 cm.
The holes are made shallow due to the cold lower layers of the soil... It is optimal to plant tubers to a depth of 10 cm.When late planting, the presence of clay soil, this figure is reduced by 4 cm.
Planting process: dig holes, place potatoes in them with sprouts up and cover it with soil. The land remaining between the rows will be needed for further hilling of the seedlings.
In the trenches
When growing in this way, up to a ton of potatoes is harvested from one hundred... The advantage of the method is that there is no need to use fertilizers.
Trench preparation in autumn:
The trenches are located from north to south, for evenness, they pull the cord.
- The length is determined in accordance with the size of the site, the width is about 40 cm.The distance from one to the other is 65-70 cm.
- The excavated earth is folded on one side of the trench.
- The grooves are filled with organic matter - weeds, tops, food waste, husks, cut grass.
- Fallen autumn leaves are compacted in the fall. Cover with earth.
In the spring, before planting, a litter is laid in trenches onion skins, dry bird droppings and ash. Seed potatoes are placed on a prepared bedding and sprinkled with earth from the ridges.
Important! To prevent contamination of the planting material, the tops of potatoes and tomatoes are not used, since infections can remain on it.
In container
Method essence in the use of containers for planting with the possibility of extending the walls as the bushes grow.
Four pillars (reinforcement, stakes) are driven into the ground. The walls of the container are built from boards by attaching them to the wire to the posts. The walls are built up gradually, as the potatoes grow.
The bottom is made ventilated, so first a few bricks are laid, and boards are laid on them. The distance between the boards will provide ventilation.
After the preparation of the first floor of the boards, the formed niche is covered with a light organic compound... Ideally - humus with expanded clay screenings, taken in equal proportions. Then the sprouted tubers are laid. When sowing early, cover them with a film.
When the tops of the "second floor" are reached, the second level of the boards is completed and soil is added.
The construction of the walls and the addition of soil continue until the buds appear... To delay their appearance, the soil in the container is watered with manure compost, and the container is protected from overheating. After the buds appear, the building on the floors is completed. Further care consists in feeding, watering, protection from diseases.
Harvesting start by taking apart the container.
Recommendations and advice from experienced gardeners
Experienced gardeners begin preparing for the creation of beds immediately after harvesting... In the fall, fertilizers are applied, the soil is prepared, and the bedding is made of organic substrates. In the spring, the beds are dug up and, if necessary, fertilizers are added.
Farmers are of the opinion about the need for a north-south direction of the beds to obtain a rich harvest.
Recommendations of experienced gardeners:
- Before planting, potatoes are germinated: left in the light for 20-40 days or placed in a container with wet sawdust, moss, humus for 15 days.
- For planting, use only healthy tubers without damage, cracks, rot or mold.
- To speed up the harvest, potatoes are grown under black film or non-woven material. The site is fertilized (for 10 liters of water - 30 g of potassium chloride, 1 g of copper sulfate and 60 g of superphosphate) and covered with a film. Holes of 10 × 10 cm are made in it and sprouted tubers are planted.
- After harvesting in containers, the site is planted with siderates. The next year, potatoes can be planted in this place again.
- To be sure of a rich harvest, the furrows are prepared in the fall, and potatoes are planted in them in the spring.
The average statistical indicator of obtaining a crop of potatoes in Russia from 1 are equal to 150 kg with the standard method of planting. Experiments with different growing methods and changing the planting scheme allow you to increase the yield of a crop.