Planting and growing

White core in carrots - why this happens

Ripe carrot root vegetable orange outside and inside. But it often happens that root crops grow in the garden, not with an orange, but with a white or pale yellow core. Having collected such a crop, summer residents wonder whether it is safe ...

Growing rules and selection of early cabbage varieties

Like many other vegetable crops, cabbage varieties are divided into three groups: early, mid and late ripening. In many farms, early varieties are grown to obtain the first fresh greens. Harvest ...

How and why to use urea after wheat flowering

The quality indicators of grain depend on the amount of protein and gluten it contains. The production of these substances is positively affected by nitrogen. If the soil is saturated with nitrogen compounds, the yield will improve, and the number of lodged cereals will decrease. ...

Black currant variety An ordinary miracle: features, rules for planting, care and reproduction

Despite the fact that black currant is considered an unpretentious plant, problems sometimes arise with its cultivation in some regions of our country. For example, relatively recently, it did not take root well in the northern regions due to ...

Decorative variety of honeysuckle

When laying out a garden, they try to choose plants so that they are harmoniously combined with each other, the flowering of one was replaced by another. There are plants that look good in any garden and are undemanding to the place ...

Frost-resistant high-yielding pear variety

The early-fruiting, middle-summer variety of pears Cathedral pleases gardeners with fragrant fruits of the correct shape. Their pulp is sweet, oily, fine-grained, contains 8.5% sugar and only 0.3% acid. Pears do not differ in keeping quality and fit ...

Recommendations of experienced gardeners: is it possible to sow black onions before winter and when to do it

There are two ways to plant onions. It is grown from seed or seeds called nigella. If the markets sell mainly bulbs for sowing, then in specialized stores seeds of various ...

Instant Pickled Cabbage Recipes with Apple Cider Vinegar

Pickled vegetable preparations are a traditional appetizer of Russian cuisine, especially popular in winter. In the cold season, the body is in dire need of vitamins, and pickled cabbage is the most suitable remedy for replenishing the stock. Today ...

The benefits and harms of orange peels, the rules for their preparation, storage and use

Orange, like other citrus fruits, is one of the best remedies for enhancing immunity and improving the general condition of the body in winter. The pulp of this fruit is eaten raw, added to ...

What is the yield of cucumbers in a greenhouse from 1 square meter and how to increase it

How many cucumbers can you pick from your greenhouse garden? What varieties to use and what to do to increase the yield? You will find the answers to these questions below. We will tell you in detail how many kilograms you can collect ...

