Planting and growing

How to store an avocado at home to prevent spoilage

Avocado, or alligator pear, is considered one of the best sources of healthy fats. Nutritionists recommend eating one half of the fruit every day. However, those who buy this exotic fruit regularly ...

Composition, calorie content, energy value, glycemic index of nuts, benefits and harms

Nuts are high-calorie, nutritious seeds for trees and shrubs. Real nuts include chestnuts, walnuts, pecans, and hazelnuts. There are also macadamia, peanuts, cashews, almonds, pistachios, cedar seeds, which are not ...

Is broccoli useful for weight loss and in what form and quantity to include it in the diet

Broccoli is a popular dietary supplement. Green cabbage is nutritious and tasty; a variety of low-calorie dishes are prepared from it - that is, they lose weight without feeling hungry. Eating broccoli for weight loss can be practically ...

How to take buckwheat with kefir in the morning for diabetes

People with diabetes are often advised to have breakfast with buckwheat porridge with kefir. This advice is motivated by the fact that the dish lowers blood sugar. Some consider this to be fiction, while others believe it to be true. From our ...

The chemical composition and calorie content of boiled cabbage, the rules for its preparation

Boiled cabbage is a hypoallergenic and low-calorie product that retains up to 70% of vitamins and minerals. Due to this property, leafy vegetables are included in the diet for dietary nutrition, during pregnancy and lactation. Cabbage ...

Is it possible to eat pomegranate at night and what harm and benefit from this can be

Nutritionists cannot agree on how a late dinner affects weight. Obviously, in order not to gain extra pounds, you need to eat supper with low-calorie foods, low-fat and ...

Frost-resistant high-yielding hybrid of grapes

Amethyst grape is a group of hybrids Samara, Novocherkassky and Sredne early Amethyst, collected under a common name. Cultures are distinctive because they have different ancestors. They are united into one group: high yield, ...

Optimal conditions for the growth of cereals: at what temperature does wheat germinate at home and in the open field

Wheat, like many grains, is easy to germinate at home. Eating wheat germ has tremendous health benefits. The product is rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids, strengthens the immune system, cleanses the intestines, normalizes work ...

What is sugar sorghum, how is it grown and where is it used

Sorghum is a perennial or annual cereal plant that looks like corn and belongs to spring crops. From an economic point of view, it is divided into 4 types: grain, sugar, broom, herbaceous. Sugar sorghum ...

How to grow indoor pomegranate bonsai

The pomegranate is called the “tree of life”. This beautiful plant with small leaves, bright flowers produces tasty and healthy fruits. You can grow pomegranates from their seeds at home. If in nature he ...

