Planting and growing

The best pear varieties for the Moscow region

Pear trees are often found in garden plots - juicy and fragrant fruits are eaten fresh, used to make jams and compotes, and dried for the winter. Culture does not need special ...

What is the Difference Between Buckwheat and Buckwheat

At first glance, the same root words - buckwheat and buckwheat - have different meanings. The confusion was due to their misuse among the common people. Buckwheat is usually called buckwheat, which is sold in ...

Besshipless sweet and sour gooseberry variety Russian yellow

The garden season is hot, so many gardeners choose varieties that do not require complex care. Gooseberry Russian yellow is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, undemanding to the water regime, and tolerates wintering well. But before landing you need ...

Heat-loving high-yielding grape variety Garnacha (Grenache)

Garnacha is a grape variety native to either Catalonia or Sardinia. Ampelographs (specialists in grape crops) still cannot agree on the origin of the variety. The culture is the most ...

What is celery: perennial or annual plant, description, characteristics, benefits and harms

To be healthy, have a good sleep and find peace, it is not at all necessary to purchase expensive drugs. This will help a natural healer - the vegetable culture of celery. Not only the leaves are edible, but ...

A step-by-step guide to replanting a tangerine tree at home

With proper care, tangerine develops quickly at home. Moreover, not only its branches and shoots grow, but also the root system. To make the tree feel comfortable, blossom and bear fruit, it ...

Fatezh cherry variety suitable for cultivation in Central Russia

Cherry Fatezh is adapted to the climate of Central Russia. One of its main advantages is frost resistance up to -27 ° С. Medium-sized, compact trees withstand drought and sudden changes in weather without losing yield. The berries are not ...

Turnip seeds - how to choose the best variety

Turnip is quite rightly called a primordially Russian vegetable. Once the root crop was so popular that it became the hero of several famous and beloved fairy tales. Today this amazing vegetable is for some reason undeservedly forgotten. And in vain, ...

The Yarovaya gooseberry variety, unpretentious to care for, is ideal for the most delicious preparations

Gooseberry Yarovaya belongs to the most popular varieties among gardeners in Russia and the CIS countries. It yields a harvest with high flavor characteristics of berries and has simple agricultural techniques. In this article you will find a detailed ...

How to plant a lemon - step by step instructions

Lemon is an evergreen tree with fleshy, dark green leaves that exude a characteristic citrus scent. The plant looks attractive all year round. It looks especially interesting during flowering and fruiting. The advantage of citrus fruits is ...

