Planting and growing
Cauliflower contains a number of vitamins and minerals that humans need. But under normal room conditions, the vegetable does not retain its composition for long - only a few days. To extend the shelf life to 2-4 weeks or ...
The grapes on the garden plot are eye-catching - long and curly shoots, cone-shaped bunches, large and mouth-watering berries. It's impossible to walk past such a bush - you just want to eat a couple of berries. We offer ...
Edible honeysuckle is unpretentious, frost-hardy, its harvest ripens earlier than other crops - at the end of May or in June. Decorative honeysuckle are shrubs and lianas distinguished by exotic beauty and spicy, fruity-vanilla aromas in ...
On the beds of gardening lovers and experienced summer residents, gooseberries are sure to be found. This small shrub gives delicious and nutrient-rich berries that are eaten raw, made from them compotes, jams ...
Pear trees are often found in garden plots - juicy and fragrant fruits are eaten fresh, used to make jams and compotes, and dried for the winter. Culture does not need special ...
At first glance, the same root words - buckwheat and buckwheat - have different meanings. The confusion stemmed from their misuse among the common people. Buckwheat is usually called buckwheat, which is sold in ...
The garden season is hot, so many gardeners choose varieties that do not require complex care. Gooseberry Russian yellow is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, undemanding to the water regime, and tolerates wintering well. But before landing you need ...
Garnacha is a grape variety native to either Catalonia or Sardinia. Ampelographs (specialists in grape crops) still cannot agree on the origin of the variety. The culture is the most ...
To be healthy, have a good sleep and find peace, it is not at all necessary to purchase expensive drugs. This will help a natural healer - the vegetable culture of celery. Not only the leaves are edible, but ...