Planting and growing
Hybrids that produce record yields in greenhouse conditions are popular with farmers. Among them, the Krasnobay tomato stands out. The hybrid was registered in the state register in 2008. They plant it under a glazed or film shelter. ...
If the dietary regime is observed, the body should receive a sufficient amount of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, micro- and macroelements, vitamins, but it is important that the energy value of the diet is not excessive. With the right ...
Recently, pink and yellow tomatoes have been very popular. The former have a rich sweet taste, which is ideal for making salads, while the latter are non-allergenic and contain ...
For healthy growth, timely flowering and fruiting, cucumbers need warmth, moisture, nutritious soil and a balance of trace elements. The article is devoted to one of the most important elements in plant life - boron and its biologically ...
Salting dill and any other greens does not require a lot of time and money. This method allows you to preserve the beneficial properties and taste of the product. Herbs preserved in a spicy marinade will enrich the taste ...
Pumpkin is a dietary product rich in vitamins and microelements. The benefits of this vegetable can hardly be overestimated. Some late varieties are stored in a cellar or apartment until spring. Well, save until the next harvest ...
The Chio-Chio-san tomato is a kind of work of art among tomatoes. He became the favorite of many gardeners. The culture is unique with decorative compact shrubs that can decorate any garden plot. In addition to the charming green massif, ...
Many people confuse stemmed asparagus and a soybean meal called fuju. In fact, these are two completely different products, but equally useful. They are widely used in cooking for cooking ...
Many people associate hot and sunny summer with the taste and aroma of juicy, sweet, sugar watermelon. It is not difficult to grow it in your garden, knowing a few tricks. So, proper germination of seeds does not ...