Planting and growing
Ripening - bringing unripe fruits to a state of full ripeness. Vegetables taken from the bushes can be in one of two states - biological maturity (in this case they are consumed immediately) or technical ...
Ajax F1 is a consistently productive hybrid that gardeners love for its resistance to adverse weather events and the marketable appearance of the fruit. Lovers of pickles and pickled vegetables should pay attention to this ...
Recipes without potatoes can probably be counted on one hand. This vegetable is used to prepare the first and second courses, side dishes, salads, and pie filling. In short, it is used as widely as the culinary ...
Corn is an amazing plant that was domesticated in North America several thousand years ago. Today corn is not only eaten in almost every country, but also alcohol is made from this plant, ...
Lovers of high-quality tobacco understand that products that are better collected in their beds cannot be found. Virginia 202 is so popular that it accounts for 70% of all tobacco grown. It is low in harmful ...
Different people associate summer with different things - beach, summer cottage, vacations, mosquitoes. But there are also common joys, like sugar melons. And you must admit, it will be unusual to feel this sunny, fresh taste ...
Cucumbers are a popular and relatively unpretentious vegetable crop. Fruit growth is influenced by many factors: temperature, weather conditions, soil composition. Novice agronomists don't always follow the cucumber planting and care instructions ...
The appetizing fruits of a melon are literally capable of giving a person happiness - due to the special compounds that make up their composition, and in particular a substance called choline. The aromatic delicacy is famous ...
We are accustomed to using only small and medium-sized fruits for winter harvesting. And overripe large vegetables are left, at best, for seeds, or even thrown away altogether. No way ...