Planting and growing

When and how to properly transplant asparagus in the fall

Transplanting asparagus is necessary for the development and reproduction of the culture. You can replant the plant annually - for the winter. Why do experts advise replanting asparagus in the fall, how does this affect the development and productivity of asparagus, ...

Is it possible to feed birds with rice and other cereals

Parents from an early age try to bring up a wonderful trait in their children - love and a desire to come to the aid of our smaller brothers. The easiest step in this matter is to build an uncomplicated feeder ...

Why do the ovaries of peppers fall in a greenhouse and what to do to save your crop

At first glance, growing pepper is not difficult. But sometimes the vegetable can be capricious - for example, shedding flowers and ovaries. This happens even in greenhouse conditions. And there are no ovaries - no ...

How to use phytophthora serum on tomatoes: we fight the disease effectively, quickly and on a budget

Tomatoes (tomatoes) are one of the most popular agricultural crops in our country. These vegetables are unpretentious to care for, but at the same time, they are periodically affected by various diseases. One of the most common ...

We buy harmless vegetables: how to check potatoes for nitrates at home and what is it for

Vegetables and fruits are the basis of a healthy diet. It is a source of vitamins, minerals, nutrients necessary for the body, a means of preventing cancer, pathologies of the cardiovascular and digestive systems. However, when buying, you need to pay attention not ...

How to water cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse: instructions and basic rules

The quality of cucumber fruits largely depends on proper irrigation - if there is not enough moisture, vegetables begin to taste bitter. As a rule, in temperate climates, cucumbers are grown in greenhouses, which allows observing the temperature regime and ...

Rules and nuances of watering beets: a step-by-step guide for beginner vegetable growers

Beets are an unpretentious vegetable crop, but they need proper and timely watering. For example, frequent irrigation leads to rotting of the plant, and rare - to deformation and immature fruits. How often ...

What is barren flowers on cucumbers and features of its treatment that you may not know about

When growing cucumbers, beginners and sometimes experienced gardeners are often faced with the problem of barren flowers. The abundance of empty flowers on the wattle fences threatens with a low yield. Let's figure out why there is a lot of barren flowers on cucumbers, what to do ...

How to water watermelons outdoors: watering frequency and rules

Watermelon is a melon crop that prefers a subtropical climate, therefore it grows well in the southern regions of the country. If you take care of it correctly, water it often and abundantly, you can grow a rich harvest and in ...

Why pepper does not turn red and what to do to speed up ripening

Pepper pods on the bushes do not always please with a quick ripening. Despite the fact that the time has come to harvest, the vegetables are still hanging in the stage of incomplete ripeness. To make it tasty on the table ...

