Planting and growing

Stop crying in the kitchen: learn to cut onions without tears

Slicing onions is one of the most frustrating activities in the kitchen. And even those with a passion for culinary arts need all the willpower at their disposal to start and finish the process. Good news: ...

Step-by-step instructions for planting cucumbers in the ground

Cucumbers are grown in regions with different climatic conditions. Vegetable culture requires competent care and adherence to planting rules. Errors at any stage of the growing season result in low yields. How to grow correctly ...

What to do if the leaves turn yellow in the eggplant greenhouse

Eggplants are popular among Russian summer residents. They are grown in open areas and in greenhouse conditions, but it is far from always possible to get a high-quality harvest. One of the problems is the yellowing of the leaves. ...

We grow tobacco

The smoking properties of tobacco were known long before our era, but since then the plant has undergone multiple changes. Ardent supporters of a healthy lifestyle reject tobacco, considering it the main enemy for the body ...

Domestic potato variety

The huge variety of potato varieties and hybrids sometimes makes it difficult to choose. I would like to get a guaranteed good harvest without unnecessary hassle and constant care. Aurora potatoes are just such varieties. He is unpretentious and ...

Amateur table potato variety

Many growers love to experiment by growing unusual crops. Potatoes also have varieties with an exotic appearance of tubers. Gypsy potatoes are one of those interesting varieties. It is distinguished by tubers with dark purple ...

Is it possible to grow cucumbers and tomatoes together in the same polycarbonate greenhouse

The size of the site for many gardeners does not allow them to put another greenhouse. And I really want to have cucumbers and tomatoes on the table in a difficult climate. Are these vegetables really not ...

Mid-season unpretentious potato variety

Arizona potatoes are among the high-yielding varieties. According to the originator, about 577 kg of selected tubers with yellow skin and pulp can be harvested from 1 m². Despite the short time of existence ...

Features of planting eggplants in open ground

Eggplant contains vitamins A, B, C, trace elements calcium, magnesium, fluorine, iron. Eating this vegetable lowers cholesterol levels and strengthens the immune system. In order not to look for fresh eggplants in the store, many grow them ...

High-yielding purple potato variety

The Vasilek potato variety is one of the achievements of Russian breeders. It surpasses its Soviet predecessors (Sineglazka, Tsyganka and Chugunka) in terms of yield and the content of nutrients in tubers. To grow cornflower and ...

