Planting and growing

How parsley helps against puffiness under the eyes and how can it be used

A problem that is familiar to every woman in today's fast paced life is puffiness, bags and bruises under the eyes. Insomnia, preparation for exams, difficulties at work, a small child - lack of sleep and ...

Onion hair masks for hair loss treatment

Hair is prone to damage and breakage. But worst of all, when they begin to fall out above the norm. The reasons are different: improper care, health problems, lack of vitamins or heredity. In the fight against ...

A woman's faithful friend is a watermelon: how is it useful for the body

In August, the watermelon season comes. It is difficult to deny yourself the aromatic, soft, sweet and pinkish pulp of watermelon. Moreover, the berry is very useful: it is a dietary product that quickly satisfies the feeling of hunger, contains ...

We understand the varieties of eggplant: what are their differences

Fast and persistent King of the North, cold-resistant Black handsome, big Sailor and solid Sophia. These are not heroes of TV series, but varieties of eggplants - each with its own character, preferences and advantages. We have collected ...

Early ripening and unpretentious potato variety

Molly's early potatoes are the result of German breeding, characterized by unpretentious care and quick adaptation to climatic conditions and soil type. The culture fell in love with gardeners for the opportunity to get ripe aromatic potatoes already ...

The use of superphosphate for fertilizing cucumbers in the garden and in the greenhouse

Cucumbers are unpretentious in care and undemanding to the type of soil, but on soils rich in organic matter and minerals, they give a higher yield. Fertilize this crop begins with the emergence of seedlings and ...

High-yielding, medium late variety of Manifest potatoes with red tubers

The best potato varieties are easy to grow, are not prone to disease, and at the same time yield a rich harvest of tasty tubers. The variety Manifest of Belarusian selection is ideal for these characteristics. The culture is distinguished by long keeping quality, ...

Early ripe table potato variety

Uladar is an early ripe potato variety bred by Belarusian breeders. It is distinguished by high productivity and unpretentious care, for which many farmers fell in love with it. Translated from Belarusian “uladar” means “overlord”. Let's get acquainted with ...

An unpretentious potato variety

Many gardeners prefer proven varieties to newer ones. For decades, only those crops that consistently give a good harvest and have tasty fruits have become popular. This also applies to potatoes. Among the tested ...

Amazing Vitalot potato variety with purple skin and pulp

Vitalot (in French Vitelotte) is a unique potato variety with a dark purple, almost black, peel. Its tubers are distinguished by the pulp of a rich lilac color, which does not lose its exotic color during the cooking process. This variety is expensive ...

