Planting and growing

Late-ripening table hybrid of Bolero f1 carrots: description and features of cultivation

Carrots are a popular agricultural crop cultivated in Russia for a long time. Even in the old days, our ancestors called her "the queen of vegetables" for her benefits and nutritional value. Breeders are constantly improving the properties and ...

How to properly spend a fasting day on buckwheat and apples and how much you can lose weight

A fasting day on buckwheat and apples is an inexpensive, simple and safe method of getting rid of extra pounds. In addition to weight correction, two main ingredients cleanse the intestines from toxins and toxins, improve digestion ...

Winter delicacy in cans: delicious, crispy, pickles with vodka

Canned cucumbers with vodka are a traditional classic appetizer of Russian cuisine. There are several recipes for making this salting: some are suitable for lovers of spicy dishes, others have a more delicate taste. The taste of alcohol when ...

How to soak corn for planting and grow rich crops from ready-made seeds

The history of corn as an agricultural crop is about 9 thousand years old. It has been actively used and is now being used in cooking and medicine. Ranked second after wheat in terms of sales in the world ...

We follow the rules of crop rotation: what can be planted after the onion for the next year, and what is not worth it

Garden owners often experiment, planting different crops from year to year: vegetables, berries, spices, medicinal herbs and others. They all interact with the soil - they take nutrients from it and ...

Method of using the drug

The fight against insect pests and fungal diseases of potatoes is included in the list of mandatory planting care procedures. Most gardeners prefer to act according to the principle that the disease is easier to prevent than to cure. In this they ...

A detailed guide to growing dill

Dill is a versatile herb known to every gardener. It is used fresh, dried, frozen. Dill and its umbrellas are kept in the kitchen. Housewives use dill for preservation and pickling, for ...

High-yielding Roco potato, ideal for boiling and baking

Roco is a popular Dutch potato variety. It is in demand in many countries, including the Russian Federation. It is characterized by good yield and excellent taste. Consider the description of the potato variety Roco (Rocco) with ...

Vineta is the most popular and high-yielding potato variety among amateur gardeners

Vineta is a potato variety that has no drawbacks, while the list of its positive characteristics is very extensive. Originally bred for cultivation in harsh climatic conditions, this variety is successfully cultivated practically in ...

The names of early varieties of watermelons for open ground and reviews about them

Early varieties of watermelons for open ground should be resistant to climatic conditions, immune to diseases and pests. Such varieties are demanding on the condition of the soil - its composition and acidity. Seeds or seedlings ...

