Planting and growing

What is Sudanese grass, how is it grown and where is it used

The Sudanese grass, better known as Sorochin millet or Sudanese sorghum, is an annual flowering plant from the cereal family. Due to its high nutritional value, the plant is used as a forage crop. Homeland of sorghum - ...

How to properly grow parsley on a windowsill and get a harvest all year round

Parsley is one of the most popular herbs used in cooking. Those who wish to have fresh greens at hand all year round grow them at home on the windowsill. And so that parsley ...

Maximum benefits in one glass: we prepare and drink wheatgrass juice correctly

Wheatgrass juice is a natural source of vitamins and microelements. The beneficial substances in the composition of witgrass increase immunity and slow down the aging process. The article will tell you what else wheat juice is useful for, how it ...

High-yielding potato variety

White swan is a potato variety with large and light tubers. It is considered one of the most productive on the market. Contains a record proportion of tuberin, the most valuable vegetable protein, and vitamin C. Tubers are excellent ...

What varieties of carrots are best for growing in the Urals

Carrots are a popular vegetable in any kitchen. It is needed in first and second courses, in salads, in the preparation of winter preparations, lecho and sauces. Not a single personal plot is complete without ...

Rescue with copper wire from late blight on tomatoes - myth or reality: full analysis

Late blight is a disease that annually destroys crops in hundreds of sites. The disease is especially dangerous for nightshade crops, including tomatoes. To save tomatoes, gardeners use many ways and even such ...

How to get a good harvest of rutabagas: growing and caring according to the instructions for beginners

Healthy, tasty and easy-to-grow rutabagas are rarely found in the garden beds, and even more so on store shelves. But even 200-300 years ago this wonderful vegetable was bred everywhere, used in ...

Why is the formation of cucumbers in the greenhouse necessary and how to produce it correctly?

Planting various vegetables in greenhouses, every gardener knows that in addition to light and water, they need additional care. Cucumbers are no exception. Along with traditional soil preparation and daily watering, it is important to correctly ...

Why do cucumber ovaries fall and what to do to save your crop

Cucumbers do not belong to whimsical crops, however, when growing them, gardeners often have problems. It happens that the ovaries turn yellow and begin to fall off, which leads to a sharp decrease in yield. Process ...

The most delicious varieties of watermelons: description and characteristics

The modern seed market is represented by dozens of watermelon varieties. It is not easy to choose the best among such variety. The article will tell you about the juiciest and sweetest varieties and hybrids of melons and gourds. You will learn how to choose ...

