Planting and growing

Delicious do-it-yourself preparations: recipes for cooking kohlrabi cabbage for the winter

Kohlrabi is a botanical variety of cabbage. Unlike traditional cabbage, this plant does not use leaves, but a round stem, which is rich in vitamin C, potassium and sulfur. The pulp of the vegetable is juicy, tender ...

Review of the raspberry variety

Gardeners prefer to see fruit and berry crops on their plots, which bring a good harvest for a long period to start harvesting in the summer and continue until the first frost. One of these crops is raspberries ...

Medicinal properties of oats: folk recipes and contraindications

Sowing oats are used in official medicine as a general tonic. In folk medicine, all parts of oats of varying degrees of maturity are used - grain, succulent grass, green straw. Water extracts are prepared from cereals ...

How and when to collect currant and raspberry leaves for drying for the winter

Infusions of currant and raspberry leaves have a pleasant taste and healing properties. Currant leaves help fight colds, improve immunity throughout the year. However, useful properties are preserved only if ...

The best ways to store cabbage in the cellar in winter

The basement and cellar are good places to store vegetables. Experienced gardeners and gardeners know how to properly lay crops for long-term storage: potatoes, carrots, beets are laid out in bags, boxes, sprinkled with sand, ...

How to use watermelon for cystitis: how much you can eat during the day

Cystitis is a genitourinary infection characterized by painful urination and frequent urge to urinate. To start treatment, you need to be examined by a doctor and receive recommendations for taking medications. Traditional medicine recommends using ...

A guide on how to plant cherries correctly in the fall and avoid mistakes

Planting cherries in the fall will allow in the future to collect sweet and aromatic berries with excellent varietal characteristics. In addition, such seedlings will be hardened and more resistant to sudden spring frosts. How ...

Why do you need pruning grapes in the fall and how to carry it out correctly

Forming grapes is not an easy task for beginners. But competent pruning is the key to obtaining a stable harvest of delicious berries. We will tell you in detail how to prune grapes in the fall. The meaning of autumn pruning The vine is distinguished by an interesting ...

The best ways to freeze black currants for the winter in the freezer

Black currant contains many useful substances: vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D, E, K, carotene, organic acids, sugars, fiber, phytoncides, flavonoids. Thanks to this composition, a handful of black berries in winter will replenish ...

How to calculate how much salt is needed for 1 kg of cabbage for pickling

Few people would refuse to try sauerkraut on a dinner or holiday table. This is a traditional dish that the whole family used to make. In the modern world, housewives are also engaged in pickling cabbage, but ...

