Planting and growing

Where and how to store fresh cabbage at home in an apartment

Cabbage, second only to potatoes in popularity in Russia, is used in traditional cooking. Borscht and cabbage soup is cooked from it, pickled, fermented and eaten raw. Pies, fish and game are stuffed with cabbage, ...

Instructions on how to properly salt cabbage for the winter in a saucepan with the addition of different ingredients

Juicy and crispy salted cabbage is an invariable component of the autumn-winter diet. According to the traditional recipe, it is salted with carrots and salt without additional ingredients. For a better taste and piquancy, put sour berries, ...

Are babies allergic to buckwheat

Buckwheat is often included in a hypoallergenic diet. However, in some cases, this cereal itself is capable of causing an allergic reaction. If earlier the negative reaction of the body to buckwheat was attributed to individual intolerance, then ...

Experienced housewives will tell you whether it is possible to salt early cabbage for the winter and how to do it correctly

There is an opinion among housewives that young cabbage is not suitable for harvesting for the winter. This is explained by the lack of some characteristics in early varieties that mid- and late-ripening vegetables are endowed with, which negatively affects ...

Vegetable garden all year round: is it possible to plant basil before winter and how to do it right

Basil is a thermophilic herb popular with culinary experts around the world. The need for it is unabated all year round. A fragrant plant is planted in winter for seedlings, at the beginning of summer on the site. To use ...

How to properly plant cherries in the fall: instructions for a novice gardener

In many summer cottages, you can find cherries. But not all novice gardeners know at what time of the year it is better to plant this fruit tree. We will tell you when and how to plant cherries correctly and ...

Technology of planting potatoes with a walk-behind tractor

The use of a walk-behind tractor when growing potatoes significantly increases labor productivity. Various operations when planting and processing crops become more technologically advanced and easier if you use a walk-behind tractor and additional attachments. As a result, one ...

Medicinal properties of parsley and contraindications for use

Parsley grows even on rocky soils, which is very convenient for its cultivation. In cooking, there are 2 main types of plants - curly and Italian. The first has wrinkled leaves with a bitter aftertaste, ...

How to properly cover an apricot for the winter and prepare a tree for cold weather

Sweet and juicy apricots, absence of diseases and pests, strong branches - all this is easy to achieve if the tree is properly cared for. Apricot is an unpretentious culture, but so that in the warm season ...

How and what to fertilize currants in the fall to get a good harvest

If black currant does not receive all the necessary elements, it develops poorly, does not resist diseases, does not give healthy growths and buds, and all this affects its yield. So she needs ...

