Planting and growing

What is pomegranate, is it citrus or not?

The oriental king of all fruits, the Carthaginian, the grainy and the Punic apple are all names for the pomegranate. The fiery red crown at the top of the fruit resembles a crown. According to one version, it was the pomegranate fruit that was ...

Resistant sweet Cinderella honeysuckle

Cinderella's edible honeysuckle variety is popular with gardeners due to its many benefits and ease of maintenance. But along with this, there are a number of nuances that must be taken into account when planting and growing crops. We ...

Terms, rules and methods for storing wheat on an industrial scale and at home

Wheat is one of the most important crops on the planet and needs to be stored properly. If all conditions are met, the loss of raw materials is minimized and its useful properties are not lost. It is important to organize this way ...

Varieties of buckwheat varieties, their description and characteristics

Buckwheat is an important industrial culture in Russia. The famous buckwheat and flour are obtained from it. It is mistakenly believed that buckwheat is a grain crop, while it belongs to a completely different ...

Why is sauerkraut juice useful for the face and how to prepare various masks with it

Freshly prepared face masks are a serious competitor to market products, because not everyone has the opportunity to buy expensive products. Women strive to be beautiful and well-groomed, and natural ingredients are great in this ...

What is sown rye and what does it look like

Rye is one of the most common cereals cultivated in the Northern Hemisphere. Once the plant was considered a weed, and now more and more areas are allocated for planting it. In some areas, rye even displaces crops ...

Features of the Rote Riesen carrot variety: description, agricultural technology, reviews

Rote Riesen carrots are popular with farmers. This is a popular late-ripening variety with good taste and high yield rates. Root crops retain their appearance and useful properties for a long ...

How to make a potato planter for a mini tractor with your own hands

Planting potatoes at home is one of the most time consuming operations. But it is not enough to have a mini tractor to optimize this process. One more person is needed for every 25-35 m with a bucket ...

What is the Difference Between Blueberry and Honeysuckle - How to Distinguish Them

The dark blue berries of edible honeysuckle are similar in appearance to blueberries. The gray waxy bloom is also misleading - just like on blueberries. However, between these plants there is ...

Simple but delicious recipes for marinated red cabbage

Red cabbage is a tasty, healthy vegetable rich in vitamins and microelements. It is especially good in pickled form - it can become both an excellent side dish for meat, and an independent dish. However, to preserve it ...

