
Oatmeal is known for its beneficial effects on the body. Oats are used to make not only food, but also medicines. On the shelves of shops there are many varieties of oatmeal. The buyer can pick up a favorite ...

Corn is one of the oldest cultivated food grains on our planet, native to South America. Local aborigines ate all parts of it: panicles, pollen, stems and grains. In Russia ...

When buying products, you want to know what they are made of. Among cereals for making porridge - common side dishes all over the world - there is a pattern in the names. And you don't have to be an expert to ...

Rice is one of the oldest and most widespread cereals in the world. It is used both as porridge and as an ingredient in other dishes, it is included in the diet and in the daily menu. ...

Corn is a thermophilic crop, so many gardeners believe that it should be grown only in the southern regions of our country. But this is not the case. Thanks to proper care and timely feeding, the plant can ...

Humanity has been cultivating barley for about 10 thousand years. This is one of the oldest cultivated cereals. He is mentioned in the Bible and Homer's Odyssey. A whole book can be written about the beneficial properties of the plant. ...

A balanced and healthy diet is the foundation of longevity. Scientists are getting more and more data on what is and how it is, and what to exclude from the menu completely. To the list of controversial products ...

Maize began to be domesticated on the territory of modern Mexico about 10 thousand years ago. Gradually, this cereal spread over the territory of the two Americas. Christopher Columbus brought corn to Europe. Now it is one of ...

You can talk as much as you like about the dangers of alcohol, but it is difficult to imagine a festive table in our country without such drinks. Doctors do not deny that alcohol in small doses is even useful. However, the quality ...