
A guide to growing

Russian Bogatyr is an incredibly tasty and healthy variety of tomatoes that are so difficult to find on store shelves. They fall in love with him after the first harvest. Novice summer residents like it for its simplicity in ...

Why gardeners like the Delicacy tomato so much and how to grow it on your plot, having received a bountiful harvest

Delicacy - the very name of this tomato variety sounds promising. Its juicy, crumbly and sweetish-tasting fruits with a pronounced aroma fully correspond to the name. However, among gardeners Delicacy ...

How to freeze fresh eggplants for the winter at home, and what to cook from them

How delicious are the eggplants fried with garlic and garnished with herbs! But what if you wanted such a dish in winter? It's simple - freeze the eggplant. We have collected the best ways to do this for ...

The healing properties of red beets and contraindications to its use

Red beet is that unpretentious vegetable that can be grown throughout Russia. But what if you grow beets not only for cooking aromatic borscht and herring under a fur coat? Red beetroot ...

The newest promising variety that you will like - the tomato

In the harsh climate of Siberia with long winters and short summers, growing a decent harvest is not easy. Therefore, breeders are trying to breed varieties that are resistant to different weather conditions. One of them - ...

Description of ordinary pumpkin (hard-bore, pepo): composition and properties, characteristics, nuances of cultivation and use

The plant in question has been known for more than one millennium. It grows almost everywhere. For its medicinal properties, it is called the orange or yellow doctor. The spectrum of his action is so wide that about him ...

The best ways to store beets: choosing the right one and protecting the crop from spoilage

Growing root vegetables and harvesting them correctly is only half the battle. You need to know how to keep the harvest for a long time. Such knowledge will be useful both for summer residents trying to preserve root crops from their garden, and for breeders of pets. ...

How to cook aromatic and crunchy cucumbers with mustard for the winter

Imagine the perfect party table, covered with a special occasion tablecloth and decorated with napkins. Here are salads, caviar, juicy meat dishes, and hot potatoes with dill. Incredible amount of sandwiches, ...

Is it possible to eat boiled corn for gastritis: arguments for and against, contraindications

People suffering from gastritis are forced to follow a therapeutic diet, carefully choose food and methods of heat treatment. Doctors recommend excluding fruits and vegetables containing coarse fiber from the diet for the period of treatment of the disease. ...

Top 10 best varieties of cucumbers for growing on a windowsill in winter

On the windowsill, not only cacti and aloe are grown, but also everyone's favorite indoor cucumbers. Green beauties contain a supply of vitamins and minerals that the body needs to maintain immunity. To ...

