
We grow a rich harvest in the open field - the resistant tomato

The Vityaz hybrid is suitable for growing in any conditions: under a film, in greenhouses, in open beds. Its fruiting rate does not suffer from growing conditions. This is the highest yielding tomato of ...

A new hybrid with powerful bushes and an abundant crop of tomatoes - tomato

When choosing a variety of tomatoes for their plot, summer residents are often tormented by doubts about what is better to plant after all? Large-fruited or, conversely, smaller? For summer salads or pickles and marinades? Often a disadvantage ...

Stable in yield and disease-resistant tomato

Tomatoes Sugar bison are distinguished by good yields, large fruits, taste and the heart-shaped shape loved by Russian farmers. The fruits are versatile in use. In the article we will give a characteristic and description of the variety, as well as recommendations ...

Bright and tasty decoration of your summer cottage - tomato

Cherry tomatoes are loved for their attractive appearance and rich taste. Cocktail tomatoes look great in salads and preserves. They become a stylish decoration for cuts and main courses. Among all cherry is popular ...

What is cucumber, how is it grown and eaten

The product of modern breeding - ogurdynya - refers to early maturing hybrids. The crop is highly regarded for its unusual taste and high yield. The fruits have an amazing ability to change shape and color during ripening. ...

Review of the best varieties of dill for greens and umbrellas, recommendations for their correct choice

In ancient times, dill was used exclusively as an ornamental plant. Today, green bushes grow in any garden and are actively used in the preparation of a wide variety of dishes. It is impossible to imagine winter without dill ...

How to prepare unripe tomatoes for the winter: cover green tomatoes according to the best recipes

Green tomatoes have a juicy taste and crunchy structure, which is why they are so loved to be used in preparations for the winter. Cooking canned and pickled green tomatoes is a great way to recycle your crops and diversify your ...

A reliable preparation for guarding the health of tomatoes -

Tomato gardeners often face various tomato diseases. Some of them are easy to treat, but there are some that can destroy the entire crop. To protect the beds from infections, there is a proven remedy - the drug "Penncoceb". Is it safe ...

Why is the

Hot peppers are the most popular spice that whets the appetite and makes the taste of food richer and more interesting. The popularity of hot pepper is due not only to its wonderful taste. Its fruits are beneficial ...

Recipes of lightly salted instant tomatoes: top of the most delicious ways, tips and tricks

Lightly salted tomatoes are a popular homemade snack. The bright color and piquant taste of this quick preparation will decorate the table and diversify the menu in any season. In the article you will find simple recipes for making lightly salted ...

