Melon is a juicy, aromatic and healthy dessert. It cleanses the intestines, removes toxins and toxins. Another of its advantages is the anti-aging effect. The melons include: potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, ...
Thanks to the work of domestic breeders, the Altai masterpiece tomato gives a bountiful harvest and almost never gets sick. The variety is distinguished by its hardiness, which makes it possible to grow tomatoes even in the most extreme conditions. Description of the variety ...
Experienced gardeners know that developmental disorders can be determined by the appearance of tomato bushes. Solanaceae react quickly to mistakes in grooming and, by their appearance, require immediate attention from the farmer. Many diseases of tomatoes are accompanied by the appearance of spots ...
Sweet, aromatic melon is one of the best desserts. The honey fruit came to us from hot Asia. More than one hundred varieties of this crop are grown in Uzbekistan. However, it happens that something bought in a store ...
Tomatoes are especially popular with gardeners, which are distinguished not only by high productivity, but also delight the eye with an attractive shape, color and abundant flowering. An important role is played by the high taste of the fruit. Such ...
Every gardener dreams of growing a tomato that will require minimal maintenance and produce delicious juicy fruits. Modern breeding provides this opportunity. There are many varieties and hybrids on the market that have increased resistance ...
Gastritis is understood as a group of diseases of various origins with acute or chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Diet is of great importance in the treatment of pathology. The use of spices, hard-to-digest foods, irregular meals cause increased pain, ...
Many housewives strive to add something new to their usual dishes, even to such simple ones as pickles. Do you want a spicy taste? Add mustard! From the article you will find out why and why this ...
Pickles are on the table in almost every home. But not all have tasted sweet. If sweet cucumbers for the winter are new to you, we recommend that you carefully read the recipes. ...