
Is it possible to eat watermelon on an empty stomach and in what cases problems may arise

Can you eat watermelon on an empty stomach? There is no consensus on this matter. Let us consider in detail all the arguments for and against, and at the same time we will study the composition and properties of the fruits of this melon culture, ...

Large-fruited Dutch hybrid tomatoes

The Mahitos f1 tomato is a Dutch hybrid that has gained popularity in many countries. It takes root in any climate, is resistant to temperature extremes, high productivity, and the ability to set fruits in stressful conditions. ...

When to plant radishes a second time in the summer and how to do it right

Radish is the first vegetable to be planted in the ground by gardeners. Early varieties are planted immediately after the snow has melted. This crop can be grown all spring until the end of May, sowing in the beds ...

Why Farmers Love Orange Summer Pumpkin So Much: A Hybrid, Easy Care And Indispensable In Cooking

Pumpkin is a tasty and healthy vegetable containing beta-carotene, B vitamins and other beneficial substances. It is low in allergenicity and calorie content. Suitable for adults and children. Of all varieties, gardeners ...

How to grow a wonderful Kestrel beetroot hybrid correctly and how it differs from other species

Kestrel beetroot is the standard of beet varieties and hybrids. It is popular with gardeners around the world. Kestrel is appreciated for its taste and commercial qualities, unpretentiousness and stable yield. The vegetable is tasty and healthy, in ...

A rich harvest of tomatoes all year round: how to grow tomatoes on the balcony and what is needed for this

You don't need a garden to enjoy fresh homemade tomatoes. After all, you can grow tomatoes in your apartment, and then eat fresh vegetables. How to grow tomatoes on the balcony ...

Top best early sweet peppers for open field and greenhouses

Sweet peppers are frozen for the winter, stuffed, used for making salads and side dishes. Juicy and sweet pulp is harmoniously combined with vegetables and herbs, meat and fish. To grow rich on your site ...

In what form and how to freeze beets for the winter in the freezer: general rules and useful tips

Beets contain many vitamins, amino acids and minerals. It occupies one of the first places in providing the body with magnesium, sodium, chlorine, phosphorus and calcium. Its roots are high in iodine. ...

How much dill grows in the open field and how to speed up the process

Delicate and thick dill greens on the table awakens appetite with their appearance and aroma. Dill is added to a wide variety of culinary dishes, from soups to salads. This plant is rich in vitamins and microelements, ...

Where and how to store green tomatoes so that they turn red as quickly as possible and how to keep ripe fruits for a long time

Summer residents often have situations when they have to urgently remove crops from the bushes. And it doesn't matter if the vegetables were ripe. Many people are upset about this, because they think that green ...

