Fruit trees
The section is devoted to fruit trees. Like an apple tree or a pear tree.

Apricot trees are distinguished by an attractive appearance: during flowering, the garden is decorated with large flowers, during ripening and fruiting - delicious golden-orange fruits. For cultivation in central Russia choose cold-resistant apricot ...

Miracle cherry is a variety (hybrid) of cherry and sweet cherry, which are called "duke". It is appreciated for its large and juicy fruits, distinguished by dessert and sweet pulp. To get a good harvest, it is important to observe ...

The Australian macadamia nut is one of the most expensive foods in the world. Previously, it could be tasted only in the homeland of the product, now royal nuts are also imported into our country. Most ...

Cherry trees need pollinators to ensure consistent yields, set and ripen on time. But what if, due to weather conditions, there are few insects? What will become of trees and flowers? ...

Nature has provided man with a wide variety of fruits that have a beneficial effect on the body. One of these fruits is pear. It is especially useful for women. They use it fresh, dried, make juice, fruit mix ...

The Uzbek, sometimes it is called the Tashkent or Azerbaijani lemon is a vivid example of a situation when the usual form surprises with its unusual content. How Uzbek lemons differ from other citruses and how to grow them at home ...

Lemon takes root well and develops quickly even at home. In order for it to bear fruit, and not just be a beautiful tree, it is important to follow the rules of agricultural technology. Lemon care is not only ...

To get a rich harvest of garden pears, it is important to choose the right variety. Summer residents from Siberia plant frost-resistant varieties, gardeners from the south of the country plant drought-resistant varieties. Also pears are divided into summer and autumn - the first ripen ...

What should be the perfect cherry? Juicy, sweet, beautiful and fruitful. Tamaris meets all these criteria, and also differs from most other varieties in attractive compact bushes and beautiful snow-white flowers. ...