
The pomegranate bloom is striking in its magnificence: against the background of a bright green openwork crown, many red-coral flowers are blooming, resembling small roses. The pomegranate tree, pomegranate or simply pomegranate is common in the subtropics of Western Asia and South ...

Many people dream of decorating the landscape of their personal plot or apartment with such an exotic plant as a pomegranate. However, ignorance of the rules of growing this crop and caring for it stops. Subject to the recommendations for breeding cuttings ...

Honeysuckle is a fruiting and ornamental shrub that does not require special attention during growth. But each owner of such a plant should know the types and rules of autumn pruning. Each species is held with a certain ...

Children and adults love currants - they are the healthiest and most delicious berries from the garden. However, her ripening period is short - you can eat fresh currants only for a few weeks. ...

Sea Buckthorn is a powerful shrub with thorny branches that is planted for the sourish berries of bright orange color. It can grow up to 6m in height if left uncut. The branches also tend strongly ...

Chokeberry or chokeberry needs regular crown pruning. If you follow the simple rules of molding, the bush will look especially attractive and will give tasty, juicy fruits in large quantities. Detail pruning black choke ...

Cutting is an efficient and fast way to propagate grapes. Each part of the stem, separated from the vine, gives a self-rooted seedling under favorable conditions. At the same time, varietal characteristics and useful qualities of the mother plant completely ...

Honeysuckle is a berry that ripens earlier than all others. It is especially useful during periods when the body lacks vitamins - the berry strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on many organs and systems. Culture fast ...

Cherry is an extremely hardy crop, resistant to low temperatures and other adverse conditions. However, proper care of the plant before the coming frosts is the key to a good harvest in the future. How ...