Planting and growing

The sweetest cherry varieties for central Russia

The dream of any gardener is to collect a rich harvest of tasty and large cherries from the site. The berries ripen by the beginning or middle of summer, and the trees themselves do not need special care and rarely ...

Growing carrots in Siberia: the best varieties for open ground

The Siberian climate requires not only competent plant care, but also a regionalized selection of seed material. Siberian agronomists annually release new seeds that are resistant to the climate of the region, but gardeners are wary of ...

What are carrot seeds, how to choose them correctly, plant and grow them yourself

Carrots are present in the diet of many people almost every day - as part of first and second courses, salads, casseroles, pies. Children love orange root juice. But few people know what the benefit ...

The best ways and life hacks on how to plant carrots so as not to thin out

When growing carrots, the only thing that upsets novice gardeners is the need for frequent thinning of the crop. Vegetable seeds are too small - it is very troublesome to place them in the furrow at the right distance, which leads to ...

Do nuts help you lose weight

Nuts are rarely used for weight loss, since this product has a high calorie content. In most cases, this is true, but certain types of nuts are even recommended to be consumed in the diet. Such ...

How and what to feed pomegranate at home

Indoor pomegranate is an unpretentious plant that, with proper care, pleases with abundant flowering and fruiting. So that the tree does not die, it is important not only to choose a suitable soil for it and a place in the house, ...

Characteristics of barley varieties: Worthy, Duncan, Harlem and others

Barley is one of the most cultivated grain crops, ranking fourth in terms of acreage. The popularity of this plant is explained by its valuable properties and a short vegetative period, which makes it possible to obtain high grain yields in ...

How to properly plant mandarin at home

It is not difficult to grow a tangerine tree from a bone if you have the desire and free time. To make the plant happy not only with foliage, but also with juicy fruits, it is grafted. This procedure requires compliance with certain rules. ...

Propagation of lemon by cuttings and growing at home

Potted lemon is a popular houseplant. It has beautiful glossy leaves and long-lasting flowering with delicate, white or creamy flowers with a pleasant aroma. During the fruiting period, the tree gives ...

The famous Malbec wine grape

Malbec is a technical dark grape variety originally from France with its own unique character. The culture got its "second wind" in Argentina, where it confidently took the position of the flagship variety. It is in this country that grapes ...

