Planting and growing
Most housewives harvest raspberries for the winter by boiling, freezing or drying. But heat treatment leads to the loss of most nutrients, and frozen foods take up a lot of space. Exactly ...
Carrots are one of the most popular vegetable crops. Losinoostrovskaya occupies a special place among the variety of varieties. Its advantages are the excellent taste of root vegetables, their universal use and long-term storage with minimal maintenance. Description ...
It would seem that you will not surprise anyone with carrots. However, the variety of varieties and hybrids of this bright, tasty and healthy vegetable is truly amazing. Among the most interesting and unusual varieties, mini-carrots stand out. Recent times ...
The honeysuckle variety Gourmet stands out favorably against the background of others and can rightfully be called an elite culture due to a number of positive characteristics and an almost complete absence of disadvantages. We bring to your attention a detailed description of the variety, ...
Basil is not only a medicinal plant, but also a favorite spice of many culinary experts. To grow it at home from seeds, you need to choose a suitable variety (for example, Tonus) and follow the rules ...
Holland is one of the leaders in world selection. Its seed production tradition goes back over 250 years. Local vegetable crops have proven themselves well, including in our country. They are unpretentious in ...
Hazelnuts are valued for their unique composition, which determines its useful properties: healing, preventive, supporting and strengthening the human body. The nut is used not only as a snack, but also as a weight loss product. For ...
The quality of the grain is extremely important for the type of flour. There are certain indicators that help agronomists calculate the class of wheat and the variety of the future flour product. Grains are distinguished by composition and fall number. The latter is regulated ...
To get a rich harvest of gooseberries, it is important not only to choose a suitable variety and planting site, but also to know "by sight" the most common diseases and pests of the plant. Even if all the rules are followed ...