Planting and growing

The German name mangold was stuck behind it, although it was known both as "Roman cabbage", and as "Jerusalem artichoke", and as "grass stem". An inexperienced person is unlikely to distinguish his tops from ...

The fatty tomato was bred specifically for regions with an unfavorable climate. It has established itself as a high-yielding variety that is immune to many diseases. Agrotechnology throughout the growing season is so simple that with ...

Pink, yellow and red tomatoes are no longer surprising. They can be found both in the market and in the store. To interest the consumer, agronomists began to develop new varieties with an exotic appearance. ...

Varieties of tomato crops never cease to amaze with their diversity, which can amaze even the most experienced grower. The original shapes of the fruits, different flavors and exquisite colors testify to the constant development of breeding. Tomato variety ...

Tomato is the most popular vegetable in the garden. It tastes good both fresh and canned, and many people love its juice. Red round tomatoes are traditionally grown everywhere, but ...

In the conditions of central Russia, the successful cultivation of many varieties of tomatoes in the open field is unlikely. This is prevented by the short summer and frequent frosts. It is difficult for beginner gardeners to get a good harvest without a greenhouse. Therefore ...

Melon Skazka F1 is a hybrid loved by gardeners all over Russia. It lives up to its name, because it takes a minimum of time and effort to grow a Tale melon. Ripe fruits are very juicy and ...

Not all regions of Russia are distinguished by a favorable climate and fertile soil. But this does not mean that tasty and healthy zucchini cannot be grown there in open beds. A number of varieties have an increased ...

Novice gardeners may wonder how often to water tomatoes in a greenhouse. Solanaceae are moisture-loving plants, but along with this, dry air is important for them. Further in the article, you will learn everything about how to water properly ...