Planting and growing
Cucumber is one of our favorite vegetables. Its cultivation is fraught with certain difficulties, since the plant is susceptible to fungal diseases and requires compliance with certain conditions. We will tell you how to solve the problem without applying ...
When growing cucumbers, gardeners often face a wide variety of plant diseases. One of the most dangerous is peronosporosis. If the cucumbers are not treated, the foliage of the affected plant dries up, after which it dies. ...
The legendary tomato varieties, bred by a school physics teacher, gained popularity in the last century and still have not lost their relevance. On the contrary, they are becoming more widespread due to their reliability ...
Every gardener wants to taste the tomato fruits grown on their site as early as possible. But the first harvest of most varieties is harvested at the end of July. Early ripening tomatoes are often only suitable for ...
Tomatoes are famous for their versatility: they make a variety of fresh salads, add to the first and second courses, squeeze the juice, and use them in canning. It is not surprising that this vegetable does not leave our table ...
Bulgarian (sweet) pepper during the ripening season does not pass by any house. Everyone's favorite bright, juicy vegetable is added to hundreds of first and second courses. Salads, soups, sauces, lecho, stuffed peppers, ...
Corn is one of the foods with which we associate hot summer. Its value lies in its rich chemical composition and preservation of taste after heat treatment. Why boiled corn is useful ...
For the first time, the American Carl Barnes began to grow multi-colored corn. He was inspired by the idea of cultural revival, which was highly valued by the ancient Indian tribes. In the course of long and hard work, a farmer from Oklahoma received ...
The health benefits of tomatoes are scientifically proven. Tomatoes, like oranges and lemons, contain an increased amount of vitamin C. This vegetable also contains folic acid, carotene and a number of B vitamins ...