Planting and growing

Step-by-step instructions: how to dry a watermelon in an electric dryer and store the finished product

Watermelon is rarely used for cooking. Usually it is eaten separately and in its original form. However, the list of "watermelon" culinary opportunities is wide. It is fermented, fried, and jam is made from it, used ...

The most popular and beloved by many melon

Melon Torpedo is a favorite of many. Delicate and juicy, with excellent taste and sweet pleasant aroma. Many gardeners dream of growing a rich harvest of this melon. Let's take a closer look at what the Torpedo variety is and ...

Tips from experienced gardeners on growing

Pink tomato varieties are popular among summer residents due to their thin skin and fleshy, sugar pulp. The absence of acid allows them to be safely consumed by people suffering from high acidity of the stomach. This article will discuss ...

Distinguishing features of the Pink Paradise hybrid tomato, for which you will love it

Pink Paradise hybrid tomato is the development of the Japanese seed company Sakata, which produces seeds of all kinds of garden crops and flowers. The peculiarity of the products is exceptional quality and resistance to diseases. The culture is not too demanding in ...

An early ripe hybrid from French breeders - tomato

Many European tomato crops have conquered Russian garden beds. This is especially true of varieties of Dutch selection, which have successfully taken root in our latitudes. However, today we will be talking about a French tomato, namely: a hybrid ...

A new, but already managed to fall in love with farmers variety - tomato

Many varieties of tomatoes are difficult to distinguish from each other, as they are similar in taste and appearance. Just not the variety Sugar Nastasya, which, despite its youth, has won attention ...

Review of the early hybrid tomato

Early ripe varieties and hybrids of tomatoes are highly valued in our country. They allow you to harvest at the beginning of summer. For regions with a mild season of fresh vegetables, this is especially important. Usually, ...

How to get rid of a whitefly in a greenhouse on cucumbers: the most effective methods of control and prevention

Cucumbers are often attacked by pests. The succulent leaves of this culture attract various insects. One of them is the whitefly, or white midge. Whitefly in a greenhouse on cucumbers is a common problem for gardeners and ...

What is dangerous about the cotton scoop on corn: we detect the enemy, then quickly and effectively fight him

Corn is an important grain and forage crop. Protecting the crop from pests is one of the main tasks of the farmer. Among the main enemies of corn is the cotton bollworm. Infection of crops with these insects leads to a loss of yield up to 20%. ...

The best hybrids and varieties of peppers for polycarbonate greenhouses

Pepper is a thermophilic culture. In regions with warm climates and long summers, it is planted in open beds, and in areas with unpredictable weather, they prefer to grow in polycarbonate greenhouses. Such constructions ...

