Planting and growing
Watermelons have always been considered an ideal summer treat, but for a long time they were grown only in the southern regions, where there is a lot of heat and light. However, breeders managed to breed several hybrids of this culture that grow and ...
Smoking tobacco in cigars is a whole culture of pleasure. Famous personalities of different generations were fans of cigars and knew a lot about them: Sigmund Freud, Mark Twain, Joseph Stalin, Ernesto Che Guevara, Al Capone ...
Pickles are a delicious dish, but sometimes you want to diversify it. If you do not know what, we recommend pickling cucumbers with chili ketchup in the coming season. The vegetables are crispy, juicy and very aromatic. ...
The market abounds in strong alcoholic beverages. But some amateurs, connoisseurs and businessmen prefer not to buy but to produce alcohol. For example, good old moonshine. It is made from sugar, wine, bread, beer, berry and ...
Arborio Italian rice has a translucent surface and contains the carbohydrate amylopectin, a food starch that is easily digestible. During heat treatment, the top layer of grains becomes sticky, delicate, while keeping its shape. Arborio is the main component ...
Dubek is a quality tobacco with the best properties derived from other varieties. Bred on the southern shores of Crimea, saturated with light, it acquires its own unique aroma and becomes more and more popular among ...
Young, unripe beans in the form of pods with thick juicy flaps are called asparagus beans. Legumes of this type are famous for their content of ascorbic and folic and pantothenic acid, thiamine and tocopherol, pyridoxine, riboflavin and ...
The Dutch Bettina cucumber hybrid has a number of positive features and stands out from other crops. The bushes give tasty and healthy fruits for the body in a short time, are resistant to temperature changes and ...
If you are tired of the traditional varieties of cucumbers grown in the garden and want to try something new, we advise you to pay attention to the Chupa-Shups hybrid. Its globular fruit is sweet in taste, outwardly reminiscent of small watermelons. ...