Planting and growing

Why watermelon is not sweet: causes of the problem and how to prevent it

Many gardeners in our country have tried to grow watermelons on their plots. It turned out that even in Siberia, you can get huge striped fruits weighing 15-17 kg. But the harvest is not always pleasing to its ...

How to properly grow Trilogy f1 Dutch cucumber hybrid to achieve a good harvest

The Dutch cucumber hybrid Trilogy F1 has recently appeared on the market. Its distinctive features are early fruiting, high yield and pleasant taste. In this article we will consider the characteristics of the hybrid, the advantages and disadvantages, and ...

The earliest varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses and open field

Early ripe varieties and hybrids of cucumbers ripen 30-40 days after planting. They are cold-resistant and unpretentious to care for. Some crops are more suitable for growing in a greenhouse, others for open ...

Instead of ovaries on a pumpkin, a barren flower - what to do and how to deal with it: we identify the causes of the problem and solve them

Pumpkin is a favorite of many summer residents: its fruits grow large, with a high nutritional value, and at the same time look bright and impressive. But not every gardener manages to grow a decent harvest. Often thick ...

What is black rice and what is the use of it

In ancient China, only the emperor and his entourage consumed black rice. The product was extremely expensive and was considered privileged: if a mere mortal dared to taste a valuable cereal, a painful ...

Dill for women: what is good for the body

Dill is a unique plant, the benefits of which have been noticed since ancient times. Hippocrates prepared a decoction from its seeds for the treatment of the digestive system, and the ancient Greek poets sang the incredible rich aroma of an odorous herb. ...

Potato variety Galaktika with excellent taste and long shelf life

The new Irish potato variety Galaktika has already gained popularity among vegetable growers due to its outstanding characteristics. The culture gives an early harvest and has a strong immunity to late blight, which is dangerous for potatoes. The plant adapts ...

The benefits and harms of yellow sweet pepper and is there a difference between the colors of the vegetable

Fleshy, juicy and vibrant bell peppers are an indispensable ingredient for summer meals. An easy-on-stomach, low-calorie and tasty vegetable is widely used in dietary nutrition. Multicolored peppers are a popular product on ...

The benefits and harms of pumpkin seeds for men with prostatitis

Stabilizing blood pressure, lowering blood sugar levels, strengthening the immune system, beneficial effects on digestion ... the list is endless, because we are talking about pumpkin seeds - a natural and safe medicine ...

Reliable and beloved by farmers potato variety

High yields and resistance to diseases distinguish the German potato variety Alvar. The characteristics allow it to be planted in most of the Russian regions and get an excellent harvest. Alvara is recognized by foreign and domestic gardeners ...

