Planting and growing
A rich harvest of juicy and even carrots is the desire of every gardener. But it happens that someone starts to eat it with great speed. These can be insect pests or small rodents. In the article we will tell ...
Among the variety of carrot varieties, the Red Giant variety stands out due to its yield and sweetness. It is grown in all regions of Russia. Carrots are well known for their size and versatility. IN ...
In the process of growth and development, potatoes absorb a lot of nutrients. In addition to the traditional root method of fertilizing, gardeners carry out foliar dressing. An integrated approach increases yields, plant resistance to diseases ...
Many people know this amazing fact from childhood: a watermelon is nothing more than a huge berry. Interestingly, a melon similar to it is considered a fruit. However, this is not entirely true: confused ...
Wheat gets sick for various reasons: unfavorable climate, illiterate care, lack of nutrients in the soil. To prevent the emergence of diseases, farmers take preventive measures - they treat plants with special solutions and put them into the ground ...
The diet of a resident of our country cannot be imagined without pickles and pickles: climatic conditions do not allow growing fresh vegetables and fruits all year round. Canned food makes the menu varied and saves from a deficiency of natural vitamins. ...
Hemorrhoids are a common disease resulting from an increase in hemorrhoids located in the anus due to venous insufficiency. It is accompanied by discomfort, burning sensation, heaviness, sensation of a foreign body in the anus. Treatment depends on ...
Fragrant and juicy parsley will decorate any dish: soup, salad, side dish or appetizer. They collect it all summer, part of it is dried or frozen, part is consumed fresh. To get rich and delicious ...
Sulphitation is a technological treatment of peeled potatoes with a special chemical solution. It is carried out to prevent darkening of tubers, eliminate harmful microorganisms, and increase the shelf life of the product. Such a semi-finished product is transported over long distances and ...