Planting and growing

How, when and how to feed parsley for growth: advice for novice gardeners

Parsley appears in vegetable gardens in early May. Rich in vitamins and minerals, it has a positive effect on human health: it improves heart function, normalizes blood pressure and the immune system. Vitamins A, K, ...

What are the diseases of potato tops: description and treatment

Diseases of potato tops lead to loss of yield and a decrease in starchiness of tubers. The main reason for the development of diseases is pathogenic microorganisms. Preventive measures, the use of healthy planting material, chemical treatment will help to save the harvest ...

Can an onion allergy appear, how does it manifest and what to do

Onions have been scientifically proven to be an extremely healthy vegetable. It contains many vitamins and microelements that help the human body fight diseases and ailments. Moreover, the bow is one ...

Watermelon without harm to health: how much you can eat per day

Many people believe that watermelon is a product that can be consumed in unlimited quantities. However, this is not the case. This fruit has the ability to accumulate nitrates, which makes its nutritional value zero, ...

How to grow and use stalked celery for maximum health benefits

Petiole celery has a unique set of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, replaces salt in food, removes radionuclides and has a negative calorie content. The body spends 25 kcal to process 100 g of the product, while ...

Cold-resistant type of onion

For a long time, only a small part of gardeners grew slime onions, but recently its popularity has grown. The increase in the number of fans of culture is associated with its unpretentiousness, rich chemical composition and pleasant taste without ...

What to do if potatoes rot in the ground and why this happens

Potato diseases, especially various types of rot, are the scourge of many gardeners. It is very difficult to recognize the development of the disease in the early stages, and sowing in infected soil is fraught with damage to the tubers. How to process ...

Home storage methods for potatoes

Potatoes are one of the most frequent guests on our table. To consume quality vegetables all year round, it is important to store them properly. The harvest is kept not only in the cellar, but also in the apartment: ...

Is there diarrhea or constipation from potatoes and is it possible to eat it in such cases

Potatoes are among the staple foods of modern humans. However, its use is not always enjoyable. Sometimes the product aggravates or even provokes digestive disorders such as diarrhea and constipation. This is problem ...

Where and how rice grows, and is it possible to grow it at home

Eating rice for breakfast, lunch or dinner, rarely anyone thinks about where this crop grows and what unusual conditions are needed to get a harvest. From the article you will find out where it grows ...

