Planting and growing
It takes a lot of work to get a good harvest of peaches - this is a very capricious crop. Crown pruning is one of the important procedures for caring for this plant. About what they spend ...
Several types of viburnum are grown in garden plots. Ordinary viburnum is planted for its beneficial berries, ornamental varieties for spectacular flowers and foliage. This is a fairly plastic plant - it is formed by a bush, ...
If you have a lot of onions growing on your plot and you don't know what to do with the crop, try freezing it. In this form, the product will definitely not deteriorate, and it will even be used ...
For centuries, our ancestors cooked sauerkraut for the winter according to recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation. This preparation solved the problem of vitamin deficiency and decorated the table on holidays and weekdays. Delicious, aromatic, juicy, crunchy - ...
Pruning remontant raspberries is an important step in planting care. To get a high yield several times a season, you need to properly prune the berry bushes. Step-by-step instructions for novice gardeners will help ...
Preparing a vineyard for cold weather is an obligatory stage in crop farming. A certain set of measures will strengthen the plant's immunity and provide forces for laying the next year's harvest. The article will tell you how to properly prepare a vineyard for ...
The harvest of onions depends on the planting technology, adherence to agricultural techniques, storage and care tricks. In the fall, planting onion sets before winter causes some concerns among gardeners - there is a possibility that the bulbs will die and not ...
The onion is a perennial herb that is not inferior in popularity to onions. The culture has excellent indicators of frost resistance, so it is grown for several years in one place. The plant is not dug up on ...
Wintering is one of the most popular late-ripening cabbage varieties among vegetable growers, bred by domestic breeders. The choice of gardeners is due to the frost resistance of Zimovka, its consistently high yield and unpretentious care. Let's talk in detail about ...