With the beginning of the summer cottage season, all amateur gardeners rush to their plots. Many people have a question: what to plant this year and what varieties of vegetables and fruits to choose? There are hundreds of different varieties ...
Do you want to try large and beautiful tomatoes of an unusual black color? Among the "black" tomatoes, the Black Baron variety stands out. Let's consider its strengths and weaknesses, as well as find out the features of growing dark-fruited tomatoes ...
The painstaking work of growing tomato seedlings, picking young bushes and transplanting plants to a permanent place are reduced to zero by pests that novice gardeners do not notice. These invisible "enemies" are common ...
Every vegetable grower wants to grow the largest and most delicious tomatoes in his garden. Fragrant, fleshy, juicy tomatoes of the "Volovye Heart" variety - they will be discussed in this article. You will learn how ...
Even the most experienced gardeners and farmers from time to time encounter diseases or pests of crops, and in particular - tomatoes. There are several causes of tomato diseases: insufficient or excessive nutrition, ...
Among early tomatoes, the Skorospelka variety is especially popular. These are low-growing, unpretentious plants, the fruits of which are suitable for early salads and processing. Let's analyze the characteristics of the variety and decide whether to grow it on our own ...
The taste of tomatoes depends on the variety. For example, "Chumak" or "Cream" are used for rolling - they have elastic skin and dense pulp. But first-class sugar varieties such as "Bull ...
It is common knowledge that vegetables, fruits and berries are good for health. This also applies to tomatoes. But what exactly is the harm and benefit of tomatoes for the body? Are they so useful, and are they ...
Every gardener dreams of having in his arsenal only the best varieties of plants, be it vegetables, fruits or other crops. When it comes to tomatoes, then one of the recognized leaders in ...