Today, no one is surprised by the variety of colors of peppers, the shape is also different. Bell pepper, which belongs to the group of rare berry peppers, stands out favorably among other varieties. About what are its features, pluses ...
Siberian varieties and hybrids are consistently popular among vegetable growers. One of the most common crops is Sibiryak, a hybrid that has a strong immunity to disease and gives a high yield of large dessert fruits ...
Melon Amal f1 belongs to hybrids, bred by French breeders. Thanks to its outstanding taste, the culture has gained popularity in Russia and the CIS countries. Melons are distinguished by an attractive presentation and stable yield. IN ...
In Russia, tomatoes are grown in almost every summer cottage. Planting tomatoes in a greenhouse in spring is a common thing for many summer residents. And this is not surprising: the vegetable is not only tasty, but also healthy. ...
Crispy cucumbers instantly disperse from a festive or everyday table. If before you could not achieve a crunchy effect, now you will become a real expert in this matter. You can salt cucumbers like ...
Zucchini is low in calories and has many beneficial trace elements. Aral hybrid - one of the varieties of this crop - is famous for its yield, disease resistance and taste. He is already known in Asia, ...
Garlic is a relatively unpretentious culture. It does not require investment of serious money, it is always in demand among the population and therefore is popular among farmers. When growing garlic in small areas, many entrepreneurs ...
Dutch sweet pepper varieties and hybrids are especially in demand among gardeners. High quality seeds, resistance to external adverse factors and pests allows us to speak of them as the best on the market. ...
People have been growing pumpkins for 5 thousand years. During this time, hundreds of varieties, varieties and subspecies were created. The time-tested variety Gribovskaya bush is popular among gardeners due to the excellent taste of the pulp, ...