
Why rusty spots appear on cucumber leaves and how to deal with them

In summer, in vegetable gardens, you can often see rusty spots on the leaves of cucumbers. There are many reasons for this phenomenon. Cucumbers are picky plants and need proper care. It is important to properly care for the crop to prevent ...

How to cook delicious pickled tomatoes for the winter: a selection of the best recipes from experienced housewives

Tomatoes marinated for the winter in jars is a dish that will remind you of summer at any time of the year. From the article you will learn how to properly pickle tomatoes so that they are preserved until the next ...

Exotic cantaloupe

Melon is a tasty and healthy product that is considered a symbol of summer and relaxation. It is popular in all countries of the world, it is liked by adults and children. Many gardeners dream of growing a representative of melons on ...

Review of the best varieties of tall tomatoes for open ground: help in choosing and reviews of summer residents

Tall tomatoes for open ground are distinguished by their yield and unpretentious care - they are grown in the south and in the middle lane. These tomatoes are mid-season, the fruits grow large and juicy. Use tomatoes for ...

Hybrid pepper-tree

The pepper tree is a plant that combines healthy fruits with an unusual appearance. The culture was the result of domestic selection and is not only a prolific hybrid, but also a decorative decoration of a plot, a balcony or ...

Pepper variety

We bring to your attention an article about a unique variety of pepper with sweet large fruits and the unusual name Big Mom. This is one of the best varieties of recent years, belongs to the large "family" of big peppers, bred ...

Why summer residents like the

Many summer residents do not dare to grow eggplants in their beds, considering this vegetable crop too capricious. But thanks to the efforts of breeders, new varieties and hybrids are emerging that are resistant to changeable weather. One ...

How to properly grow fruitful Siberian Bonus pepper with bright and incredibly tasty fruits

Pepper Siberian bonus was bred by breeders from Siberia S. Ugarova and V. Dederko. The variety grows well and bears fruit in all regions of the Russian Federation. Due to its taste and original appearance, the vegetable ...

Is it worth growing White Gold pepper: the advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Every year, gardeners choose which variety of pepper to grow on their site. The variety White Gold attracts with its high yield of sweet and juicy fruits, simple agricultural technology. Yellow peppers have a rich chemical composition: they ...

Bright and tasty sweet pepper

Among the varieties of sweet peppers, fruits of red, light yellow and green flowers are more common. The versatile and high-yielding variety Golden Miracle is one of the most widespread and popular crops. The fruits are rich in yellow color ...

