
Among useful vegetables, rich in vitamins and microelements and at the same time not requiring special care, the bean plant stands out. This type of agricultural crop is native to Central and South America. People use it ...

Peas are a frost-resistant crop that does not require much effort when grown in a garden bed or on a windowsill. But even this plant often encounters various diseases and pests. In this article ...

Beans are among the world's most widely used culinary crops. Since the 16th century, green beans (asparagus) came into use. Modern technologies make it possible to freeze green beans ...

Growing and caring for peas in the open field in the country or in a greenhouse will provide you with a tasty and healthy product and will give you a lot of pleasant impressions. And the tips outlined in our article will help ...

People began to consume green peas many centuries ago. In some countries it was considered food for the poor, in others it was a delicacy for the rich. This crop belongs to the legume family. Beans ...

Beans occupy a central place in the diet of many peoples of the world. It is used in cooking and is willingly preserved, as it retains 70% vitamins and 80% minerals in comparison with ...

String beans are one of the most widespread legumes in Russia. Its origin is Central America. Now green beans are cultivated all over the world. Growing and caring for beans is very simple. ...

There are more than eighty varieties of beans - among them there are both those that can be used for culinary purposes, and those that perform an exclusively decorative function. Black beans are in high demand in the world, ...

If you have a land plot, then most likely you have already thought about what you want to plant on it. Let's look at the technology of growing such a vegetable crop as seed peas. Surely ...